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Jan 18, 2020
"INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q: Tell us more about yourself? A: I am hard worker who is passionate, consistent and disciplined. Q: Why...
Jan 18, 2020
Application via Z83 form tips
Application via Z83 form! There are many things that can make your application to be unsuccessful apart from incorrectly filling your Z83...
Jan 18, 2020
31 interview questions
31 interview questions.... #Tips #InterviewQuestions #Interviews - here are some questions you can get asked in interviews and pointers...
Jan 18, 2020
JOB HUNTING TIPS DURING A RECESSION: If you are are seeking a new job during a recession, here are some key job-search do’s and don’ts —...
Jan 18, 2020
How to Search for Internships or Graduate Programmes - Advise for Students
This goes out to all Tertiary students (TVET, Technicon and Universities): - When you are still a student and closer to finishing (6...
Jan 18, 2020
Affidavit to apply for funding (NSFAS/ Bursaries) when your parents/ guardians are pensioners
Affidavit to apply for funding (NSFAS/ Bursaries) when your parents/ guardians are pensioners I, (Name, Surname and ID number), am the...
Jan 18, 2020
Affidavit to apply for funding (NSFAS/ Bursaries) when your parents/guardians are not earning enough
Affidavit to apply for funding (NSFAS/ Bursaries) when your parents/guardians are not earning enough I, (Name, Surname and ID no...), am...
Jan 18, 2020
Affidavit to apply for funding (NSFAS/ Bursaries) when your parents/ guardians are self employed
Affidavit to apply for funding (NSFAS/ Bursaries) when your parents/ guardians are self employed I, (Name, Surname and ID no...), am the...
Jan 18, 2020
A. Sample email for job application with resume
A. Sample email for job application with resume (1)Subject line:Prolific Senior Web Developer Seeks IT Manager Position with XYZ...
Jan 18, 2020
How to Write a Motivational Letter - There is no wrong or right way
There is no right way of writing a Motivational Letter, you can only copy the addresses formatting, the rest is up to you, don't copy...
Jan 18, 2020
Bursary Application Letter
Bursary Application Letter Name The Bursary Officer Name of School Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Sir; I would like to inform you of...
Jan 18, 2020
How To Write a CV After Matric
How To Write a CV After Matric Curriculum Vitae First Name Last Name Address Phone: Cell: Email: Professional Profile I am a matriculant...
Jan 18, 2020
CV Template
Download a detailed CV template, courtesy to a group called I Need Someone Who....[JOBS] on Facebook. If you are not part of this group,...
Dec 6, 2019
Z83 - Government Application form
Click here for the Z83 application form [PDF] Click HERE to for Z83 application form [Editable PDF] Click here for the Z83 application...
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