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63 x Pharmacy Internships at Gauteng Department of Health


Applications are hereby invited from suitable candidates to do their Pharmacy Internship in the Gauteng Department of Health for 2024. These positions are advertised pending approval to fill these posts for 2024.

1. APPLICATION PROCESS: We are an affirmative action employer and intend to promote equity in service delivery. The department offers internship positions at registered hospitals and district pharmacies, for only a period of 12 months from the date of registration with the SA Pharmacy Council. The internship is conducted in accordance with the rules and set programme of the SA Pharmacy Council.

Person interested in doing their pharmacy internship programme in the public sector in Gauteng must complete and submit the following documents:

  • Application for Employment Form (Z83) obtainable from any Government Office or on the internet. Click on

  • Current Curriculum Vitae not longer than 4 pages.

  • Academic record I up to the 3rd year of study or further

  • Testimonial from a lecturer of the University.

  • Six choices of institutions (see attached list of institutions below) in order of preference. Your choices must include:

  • Three District Hospitals / District Services

  • Two Regional Hospitals

  • One Central/ Tertiary Hospital OR One Specialist Hospital

  • A motivation letter to substantiate your choices.

  • Identity Document or equivalent


Postal address

Attention :Mr Phauwe Mphahlele / Ntokozo Sihlangu

Human Resources Development | Gauteng Department of Health

Professional Services Support

Private bag X085, Marshalltown, 2107

Cell: Mr P Mphahlele: 079 881 5690 | Mr N. Sihlangu: 063 375 5524

Hand delivery address (08h00 to 16h00)

Attention: Mr Phauwe Mphahlele /Ntokozo Sihlangu

Human Resources Development, Gauteng Department of Health. 45 Commissioner Street, Podium 1, Johannesburg


  • Applicants who fail to adhere to the requirements may limit their chances for selection.

  • All applications must be posted or hand-delivered to the addresses above. No faxed application will be accepted. No e-mailed applications will be accepted. No late applications will be considered.

  • Please supply an address, telephone number and an e-mail where you can be easily contacted i.e. cell phone or telephone number, address during university terms and during vacation.

  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to inform this office of any change in contact details. Inability to contact the applicant at the supplied contact details may result in the application not being processed..

  • Commencement date for internship is envisaged to be the first working day of January 2024, or as required by the Department. The starting date stated by the applicant on the Z83 may be taken into consideration during the selection process.

  • REFERENCE for Z83 is: GDoHP124

  • Selection will be done during September 2023.

  • If you are selected, information on an offer of employment will be e-mailed to you after/during October 2023.

  • After the acceptance of the offer of employment, if for any reason the applicant cannot take up the position on the date stated, the offer of employment will lapse immediately.

  • The date of commencement of pharmacist internship will be the same as the date of registration as a pharmacist intern with the SA Pharmacy Council. No pharmacist intern may commence duty, unless proof of registration with the SA Pharmacy Council is supplied.

  • Failure in the final examination will immediately disqualify your application for employment and nullify any offer of employment that may have been made. Having to write a supplementary exam will be regarded as failure in the Final examinations of the Pharmacy Degree.

  • The department reserves the right to change the number of pharmacist internship positions overall or at any of the public health care facilities

  • The internship positions will be only for a period of 12 months from the date of registration with the SA Pharmacy Council. The department reserves the right not to extend any internship due to failure in the pre-registration exam, other cases for extension will be considered on an individual basis.


Hospitals in Gauteng are categorised into Central, Tertiary, Regional, Districts and Specialised Hospitals. In addition, there are District Pharmacies responsible for primary health care services. The pharmacist is responsible for the maintenance of stock, which involves the ordering, storage, and distribution of medicine and the exercising of control over the medication. The pharmacist is also involved in the maintenance of the formulary and the impact of the primary EML on the stock holding and distribution thereof.

Hospitals are normally divided into following main care areas:

  • In-patients pharmacy: The pharmacist dispenses medication to patients in wards and maintains stock levels in the wards and other specialist areas.

  • Out-patients' pharmacy: Dispensing of prescriptions to patients attending the hospital as out patients, interaction with the patients and counselling on their medication.

  • Bulk compounding and prepacking: The preparation of extemporaneous mixture for specific patients, disinfectants and stock mixtures used in the hospital. The pre-packing of medicine from bulk containers into patient ready packs.

  • Patient Care areas: Pharmacists attend ward rounds and interact with both medical and nursing personnel regarding all medication related information and issues.


Institution Name

Charlotte Maxeke Hospital 10 Central

Far East Rand Hospital 2 Regional

Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital 8 Central

Leratong Hospital 3 Regional

Dr George Mukhari Hospital 7 Central

Sebokeng Hospital 4 Regional

Steve Biko Hospital 6 Central

Tambo Memorial Hospital 2 Regional

Bertha Gxowa Hospital 3 District

Thelle Mogoerane Hospital 1 Regional

Jubilee Hospital 2 District

Sterkfontein Hospital 1 Specialist

Pretoria West Hospital 1 District

Weskoppies Hospital 1 Specialist

Tshwane District Hospital 2 District

Helen Joseph Hospital 3 Tertiary

Sedibeng Health District Services 2 Edenvale Hospital

Kalafong Hospital 3 Tertiary

Tembisa Hospital 1 Tertiary

Total Funded Posts 63



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