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Agricultural Advisor x4 post for Agriculture graduates at KZN DARD


The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is committed to the promotion of diversity and equity in employment. Women and people living with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development reserves the right not to fill any advertised post. Invited candidates will attend interviews at their own cost.



(3-Year Contract)

SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Ref No: SSC01/2024: Ugu District (X1 Post), Harry Gwala District (X1 Post)

Ref No: NSC01/2024: King Cetshwayo District (X1 Post), Umkhanyakude Distrit (X1 Post)

REQUIREMENTS : An NQF level 08 qualification in Agriculture, registration with SACNASP, or submit proof of the application thereof, and a valid driver’s license.

Knowledge: Extension methodology, RSA Constitution, White Paper on Agriculture for KZN, Norms and Standards for Extension and Advisory Services, Strategy for Agrarian Transformation in KZN, Agricultural Extension and Advisory Principles, Scientific Agricultural Methods, Agricultural Policy Action Plan, National Development Plan, Provincial Growth and Development Plan, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, PFMA, Labour Relations Act, EPMDS, Community Development, Public Participation, Community Outreach, Project Management Principles, Social Dynamics of KZN Communities, Service Delivery Frameworks and Treasury Regulations. Skills: Analytical and data analysis, scientific methodology and models, research and development, scientific editing and review, project management, professional judgement, computer aided scientific applications, planning and organizing, team work, problem solving and analysis, creativity and innovation, decision making, customer focus and responsiveness, communication, presentation, public speaking, computer literacy, social facilitation and conflict management, scientific/technical verbal and written communication and scientific/technical reports/papers/articles.

DUTIES : Render scientific and technical advice to internal and external clients under mentorship to ensure sustainable development. Provide technical support in terms of planning, advice and after care for organized agriculture and other agricultural stakeholders. Provide technical support on agricultural projects (such as CASP, LRAD, etc). Promote sustainable production of agricultural products. Involvement in research activities under guidance of seniors. Perform administrative and related functions.

ENQUIRIES : Mr NL Ntshangase Tel No: (033) 355 9546

APPLICATIONS : Applicants may also submit their completed and signed Z83 application forms and CV’s directly to the following email addresses: for reference no. SSC01/2024 or for reference no. NSC01/2024.

Applicants may also visit any one of our Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) where our friendly staff will assist you with applying online or receiving your hardcopy application. You can find the list of Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) at


All applications must be addressed to the Head of Department and for reference no. SSC01/2024 may be hand delivered or couriered to 4 Pin Oak Avenue, Hilton, 3245. Applications may also be posted to Private Bag X6005, Hilton, 3245. All applications for reference no. NSC01/2024 may be hand delivered or couriered to Lot no. 11634, Corner of Via Verbena and Loop Street, Veldenvlei, Richards Bay, 3900. Applications may also be posted to Private Bag X1048, Richards Bay, 3900.


Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the online e-Recruitment system at

Applicants are discouraged from sending applications through registered mail because the Department will not be responsible for non-collection of these applications.

CLOSING DATE : 30 April 2024

NOTE : Applications submitted electronically will be taken as a final application and may not be amended or supplemented in any way after the closing date indicated in the advertisement. Applicants using the manual application process must submit their applications on the prescribed form Z83 (Please Use The New Z83 form which is effective From 01 January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or at and all applications must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV. Applicants must ensure that the Z83 application form is completed in full, duly signed and initialled, as failure to do so may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related/supporting documents on or before the day of the interview following the communication from Human Resources. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). No late applications will be accepted. Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in the disqualification of your application. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

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