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All unemployed youth, graduates from City of Cape Town are invited to apply for these posts!

CLOSING DATE 18.08.2023


SALARY Various

DEPARTMENT Human Resources


Student Opportunities


The city is in the process of establishing and maintaining a student database from which it will source students for its respective student


4. Learnerships from 12 up to 24 months (between 18 -35 years)

The City offers vocational education and training programme to facilitate the linkage between structured learning and work experience in order to obtain a registered qualification. It combines theory and workplace practice into a qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).


- Grade 12 additional requirements may vary depending on type of Learnership

1 Skills Programme- Fixed Term Contract


- Grade 10/11/ National Senior Certificate (Grade12/Matric)/ N1 - N5/ Level 2 -4

The programme gives practical exposure to candidates with the objective of providing structured experiential learning opportunities

2 Work Integrated Learning (WIL) - Fixed Term Contract

The City offers a program which integrates academic learning with its application in the workplace where such learning is a specific requirement to obtain a formal qualification. This work experience is usually defined, with clear learning outcomes and is formally known

as In-Service Training


- National Certificate - N6 (WIL/In-service Training)

- Institutions of Higher Learning – Letter from the Institution requesting WIL (In-service training), Transcript (Academic results)

3 Graduate Internship Programme (GIP)- Fixed Term Contract

The City offers graduate internship programmes to graduate students who have completed their qualification at an Institution of Higher

Learning (University/ University of Technology). The programme may be either part time or full time for the purpose of skills transfer


- A 3 year Diploma/National Diploma (from a registered University or University of Technology) or from accredited academic institution of

higher learning.

- Advanced Diploma/ B-tech/ - Degree/ - Honours - Masters - PhD

5 Infrastructure Skills Development Grant (ISDG) - 3 year Fixed Term Contract (between 18 – 35 years)

The programme prepares graduates (for the world of work) and gives them exposure in various fields, ensuring that they are registered/eligible for registration with the relevant statutory councils such as South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP), Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), South African Geomatics Council (SAGC) and South African Council for Planners (SACP) etc.


BSc Eng/BSc Hons/ MTech/ MSc/ PhD/ BTech/M.Eng qualification in Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,

Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Urban and Regional Town Planning, Geographical Information System (GIS), Environmental Science, Materials Science, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Virology, Chemical Science, Chemistry, Atmospheric Science, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Data Science

6 Geographical Information Systems:

Key learning areas

- Data cleaning, maintenance and systems administration

- Data mining, preparation and analysis used in geo-spatial analysis and built environment trends

- Spatial data analysis and presentation formulation

- Research and assistance with the development of new platforms for exhibition of products

- Project management and administration

- Professional conduct and relationship building

Qualification required

- Bacc, BTech (Honours) or Masters Degree in Geographical Information Systems, Geomatics, Geo-informatics, Geo-spatial Science, Data Science/ Data informatics (with specific reference to applicability in context of urban planning, development and monitoring and analysis of land use and building trends).

- Bacc, BTech (Honours) of Masters Degree in Town Planning or City and Regional Planning (four-year undergraduate or post graduate

Master’s degree) with specific focus on GIS, geo-spatial analysis in the natural and build environment

- From a recognised University in South Africa (or internationally) or University of Technology.

Key Performance Areas

The City is embarking on an ongoing drive to train numerous recruits on various programmes within the City of Cape Town.

This forms part of the City of Cape Town’s commitment in addressing the high levels of unemployment in our youth, as well as providing the

necessary opportunities for skills enhancement.

The Student Opportunity initiative is to provide exposure and experience in various Directorates within the City. Once completed,

the acquired skills will significantly enhance opportunities for employment in various sectors industry.

The City invites suitably qualified unemployed individuals, who meet the relevant minimum requirements, to apply (on-line via

e-Recruitment – on the City of Cape town Website. (Apply for a graduate internship/ Only Students permanently residing within the jurisdiction of Cape Town are eligible to apply.

Preference will be given to graduates students from Universities, Technical Universities, Colleges and TVET Colleges, in the jurisdiction

of Cape Town.

Special conditions attached to the opportunity:

Students must not be enrolled for further studies coinciding with the internship programme training period with the exception of Work

Integrated Learning Programme, PhD and Doctoral Programme. It must be emphasised there is no automatic guarantee of employment following the successful completion of the programme.

Students will receive an allowance as per the following programmes:

Graduate Internship Programme (GIP): R51.73 per hour

Work Integrated Learning (WIL): R32.91 per hour

Skills: R32.91 per hour

ISDG: R220 458 per annum

- A certified copy of your South African Identity Document/South African Citizenship (no affidavits will be accepted)

- A recently certified copy of matric certificate/ Statement of results (mandatory)

- A recently certified copy of your Highest Qualification

Applicants may use any computer with internet access to apply.

Smart phones are not compatible with this on-line application process and cannot be used to apply.

Applicants may use a Smart Cape computer at a City of Cape Town Library if they are a library member. (To become a library member, you will need to apply for membership at a library with your ID and proof of residence.)

Canvassing by job applicants or, any other person on behalf of job applicants, for posts within the Council’s Service is prohibited and

evidence thereof will disqualify the applicant’s application for consideration for appointment.

If appointed, candidates are required to make themselves available to work as they are rostered, and are not permitted to have other employment or run a private business whilst in the employ of the City without the City Manager’s written permission.


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