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Apply to the Access for Success programme to improve your Grade 12 Maths and Science marks

Apply to the Access for Success programme


Presented by Academy for Environmental Leadership SA (Pty) Ltd

Closing date for applications: 31 January 2025


This application is for provisional admission to the A4S programme. Should this provisional application be accepted,

you will be required to furnish further particulars. Your application will only be finally considered once you have

furnished us with your NSC certificate.

To qualify for admission to the Access for Success (“A4S”) programme applicants must:

• Be in grade 12 in 2023 or 2024;

• Have passed the National Senior Certificate with at least 40% for Mathematics;

• Have passed the National Senior Certificate with at least 40% for Physical Sciences;

• Have passed the National Senior Certificate with at least 50% for English as Home Language or First

Additional Language;

• Have passed the other subjects from the group of subjects designated for university admission with at least


• Have passed the National Senior Certificate with at least a 50% average (excluding Life Orientation).

Students with Mathematical Literacy will not be accepted.

What the programme offers:

The yearlong A4S programme offers you an opportunity to improve your Grade 12 Mathematics and Physical Science

marks if you are willing to work hard.

Selected learners embark on a one-year (February – October) focused programme:

• Learners will receive 10 hours of tuition per week (Mondays to Saturdays) in both Mathematics and Physics.

The purpose is to improve learners’ scores in the National Senior Certificate (Gr12) in these essential subjects

to a level where they qualify for admission into an university to prepare themselves for critically important

occupations in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professions

• Foundation skills development modules of 25 hours for both English Proficiency and Personal Development.

These modules are presented to help to bridge the gap between school and university.

• ALL classes and modules are compulsory.

• Due to time and logistical constraints, unless special arrangements can timeously be made which do not

interfere with the A4S programme or classes, learners will not be allowed to re-write any other subjects.

Applications for the bridging program, Access 4 Success have officially opened. Herewith the online application links and forms.

Access 4 Success PDF form: A4S Form Application


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