!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!50 000 Likes Competition!!!!!!!!!!!
Stand a chance to win airtime, data and have your CV to be revamped and be done a by a Professional Company, enter by answering the question below:
“If you were given a chance to be a president for 1 week, what are some of the things that you will change immediately?”
Comment with your answers on our Facebook page, Click HERE to comment on the post
Competition rules
1. Winners will be chosen randomly based on popularity and content.
2. Competition closes on the 29th of February 2020.
3. Answers should be given in English, no other language. (Please, Please)
4. Competition winners will not be chosen based on race, gender, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.
5. Only one comment per person will be chosen.
6. Winners will win airtime, data and some will stand a chance to have their CVs revamped a registered to a professional CVs revamping company.
