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Clerks x45 at Department of Transport in the Eastern Cape for unskilled youth


The Department of Transport in the Eastern Cape is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Females and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. Employment Equity targets of the Department will be adhered to.

APPLICATION : Applications must be submitted using only the e-recruitment system available at: and/or at: and/or (under careers). The system closes at 23:59 on the closing date and is available 24/7. To report any challenges pertaining e-Recruitment system, send an email with your ID Number, your profile e-Mail Address and details of the issue to:; do not submit any CVs to this email address, should you do so, your application will be regarded as lost and will not be considered. No Hand-Delivery / No faxed / No Posted applications will be allowed.

CLOSING DATE : 13 September 2024



REF NO: DOT 126/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)


REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and 129 accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males, Coloured, Indian and White females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities. 



REF NO: DOT 127/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Chris Hani

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Basic knowledge of financial functions, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collate financial statistics. Basic knowledge and insight of the Public Service financial legislations, procedures, and Treasury regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS, LOGIS etc.). Skills: Team, Communication, Interpersonal Relations, Flexibility, Computer skills, Accuracy, Aptitude of figures, Basic Numeracy skills.

DUTIES : Render Financial Accounting transactions: Receive invoices, Check invoices for, correctness, verification and approval (internal control), Process invoices (e.g., capture payments), Filing of all documents.  Collection of cash. Perform Salary Administration support services: Receive salary advice and process advice (e.g. check advice for correctness, capture salaries, bonuses, salary adjustments, capture all deductions etc). File all documents. Perform Bookkeeping support services: Administer the payment of suppliers. Administer creditors reconciliation. Capture all financial transactions, Clear suspense accounts, record debtors and creditors, process electronic banking transactions, and Compile journals. Render a budget support service: Collect information from budget holders, compare expenditure against budget, identify variances, Capture, allocate virements on budgets, distribute documents with regard to the budget, File all documents, Receive and capture cash payments.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele 043 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities. 



REF NO: DOT 128/08/2024 (X2 POSTS) 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)


REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Basic knowledge of financial functions, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collate financial statistics. Basic knowledge and insight of the Public Service financial legislations, procedures and Treasury regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS, LOGIS etc)

DUTIES : Render financial accounting transactions: Receive debt route forms/ investigation reports. Check correctness and if the documents are signed and approved by all relevant parties. Register the debtor on BAS. Filing of all documents. Open debt file. Perform debt collection administration support services: Write letters of demand to notify the debtor about the outstanding debt. Send debt notification letters and do follow up on all outstanding debts. File all documents. Perform bookkeeping support services: Capture all financial transactions. Download BAS reports to investigate balances. Clear suspense accounts Record debtors and inter-departmental claims. Compile journals. Complete debt reconciliation services: Download debt age analysis report on BAS. Compare debt recovery against debt taken on. Check and verify the movement and progress on recovery. Follow up on non-movement and under collections. Distribute debt statements. File all documents.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries:  130

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males, Coloured, Indian and White females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities. 



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : OR Tambo Ref No: DOT 129/08/2024  

Amathole Ref No: DOT 130/08/2024 (X3 Posts)

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Basic knowledge of supply chain duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Basic knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Basic knowledge of work procedures in terms of the working environment. Problem solving skills, Computer skills, Interpersonal relations, Communication skills (Verbal & written). Facilitate rotation of supplier Database (CSD), Advertise quotations, serve as secretariat to bid committees, ensure that all procurement done are in line with district procurement plan.

DUTIES : Render asset management clerical support: Compile and maintain records (e.g. databases). Check and issue furniture, equipment and accessories to components and individuals. Identify redundant, non-serviceable and obsolete equipment for disposal. Verify asset register. Render demand and acquisition clerical support: Update and maintain a supplier (including contractors) database. Register suppliers on Logis or similar system. Request and receive quotations. Capture specification on the electronic purchasing system. Place orders. Assist in the issue and receive bid documents. Provide secretariat or logistical support during the bid consideration and contracts conclusion process. Compile draft documents as required. Render logistical support services: Place orders for goods. Receive and verify goods from suppliers. Capture goods in registers databases. Receive request for goods from end users. Issue goods to end users. Maintain goods register. Update and maintain register of suppliers.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to White, Coloured, Indian females and White, Coloured males are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 




SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : OR Tambo Ref No: DOT 131/08/2024  

Chris Hani Ref No: DOT 132/08/2024  

Amathole Ref No: DOT 133/08/2024 (X4 Posts)  

Alfred Nzo Ref No: DOT 134/08/2024

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: procurement procedures; administrative procedures; financial management. Ability to interpret and apply policies, strategies, and legislation. Ability to promote mutual trust and respect. Incumbent must be innovative; reliable; flexible; creative; solution driven, and people orientated; hard-working and highly motivated.

DUTIES : Receive a requisition. Process requisition. Coordinate the safekeeping and distribution of goods. Coordinate the control of stock. Coordinate the disposal of stock inventory. Act as Secretariat in SCM Committees.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and African, Indian, White, Coloured females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi Ref No: DOT 135/08/2024 

 In House Construction (Makhanda) Ref No: DOT 136/08/2024 131

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

 Knowledge: Knowledge of registry duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, and operate computer.  Working knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service.

DUTIES : Provide registry services. Attend to clients. Handle telephonic and other enquiries received. Receive and register hand delivered mail/files. Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence. Receive all mail. Sort, register and dispatch mail. Distribute notices on registry issues. Render an effective filing and record management service. Opening and close files according to record. Classification system. Filing/storage, tracing (electronically/manually) and retrieval of documents and files. Complete index cards for all files. Operate office machines in relation to registry function. Open and Maintain Franking Register. Frank post, record money, and update register daily. Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included. Lock post in post bags for messengers to deliver to Post Office. Open and maintain admittance register. Record all valuable articles as prescribed in the remittance register. Hand delivers and sign remittances to Finance. Send wrong remittances back to sender via registered post and record reference number in register. Keep daily record of number of letters franked. Process documents for archiving and/ disposal. Electronic scanning of files. Sort and package files for archives and distribution. Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep records for archived documents. 

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Indian, White males and African, Coloured, Indian females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 



REF NO: DOT 137/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)


REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of registry duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, and operate computer. Working knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service.

DUTIES : Provide registry counter services. Attend to clients. Handle telephonic and other enquiries received. Receive and register hand delivered mail/files. Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence. Receive all mail. Sort, register and dispatch mail. Distribute notices on registry issues. Render an effective filing and record management service. Opening and close files according to record. Classification system. Filing/storage, tracing (electronically/manually) and retrieval of documents and files. Complete index cards for all files. Operate office machines in relation to registry function. Open and Maintain Franking Register. Frank post, record money, and update register daily. Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included. Lock post in post bags for messengers to deliver to Post Office. Open and maintain admittance register. Record all valuable articles as prescribed in the remittance register. Hand delivers and sign remittances to Finance. Send wrong remittances back to sender via registered post and record reference number in register. Keep daily record of number of letters franked. Process documents for archiving and/ disposal. Electronic scanning of files. Sort and package files for archives and distribution. Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep records for archived documents. 

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Indian, White males and African, Coloured, Indian females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities,  



REF NO: DOT 138/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Amathole 132

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience. However, exposure in the environment would be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of registry duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, and operate computer. Working knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service.

DUTIES : Render Demand Clerical Support: Request quotations, draft internal memorandum, capture requisitions on LOGIS, administer filing, photocopying, and faxing and email Orders to Service Providers. Handle routine enquiries. Distribute documents / packages to various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Place and deliver orders to payment Sections. Provide Administrative Support in Bid Processes: Issue and receive bid documents. Provide secretariat or logistical support during the briefing sessions and contracts conclusion process. Assist in the compilation of bid documents. Assist in opening bid documents. Provide Supply Chain Clerical Support Services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotation, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Capture specification on the electronic purchasing system. Provide Personnel Administration Clerical Support Services within the component: Maintain incoming and outgoing requisitions.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to White, Coloured, Indian females, Coloured and White male are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities. 



REF NO: DOT 139/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman 

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage. Knowledge: Knowledge of registry duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, and operate computer. Working knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service.

DUTIES : Provide registry services. Attend to clients. Handle telephonic and other enquiries received. Receive and register hand delivered mail/files. Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence. Receive all mail. Sort, register and dispatch mail. Distribute notices on registry issues. Render an effective filing and record management service. Opening and close files according to record. Classification system. Filing/storage, tracing (electronically/manually) and retrieval of documents and files. Complete index cards for all files. Operate office machines in relation to registry function. Open and Maintain Franking Register. Frank post, record money, and update register daily. Undertake spot checks on post to ensure no private post is included. Lock post in post bags for messengers to deliver to Post Office. Open and maintain admittance register. Record all valuable articles as prescribed in the remittance register. Hand delivers and sign remittances to Finance. Send wrong remittances back to sender via registered post and record reference number in register. Keep daily record of number of letters franked. Process documents for archiving and/ disposal. Electronic scanning of files. Sort and package files for archives and distribution. Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep records for archived documents.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and African, Coloured, Indian & White females are all encouraged to apply. 



REF NO: DOT 142/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range) CENTRE : Sarah Baartman 

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504. 134   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, White, Indian males and African, Indian, Coloured, White females are encouraged to apply. 



REF NO: DOT 143/08/2024

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Amathole

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage. Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Indians, White, Coloured, females, Coloured and White Coloured, males are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities.  



REF NO: DOT 146/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage. Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Indians, White, Coloured, African females, Coloured and White Coloured, Indian, males are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities.  135



(12 Months Contract) 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE: KWT Ref No: DOT 147/08/2024 (X3 Posts)  

Amathole Ref No: DOT 148/08/2024  

OR Tambo Ref No: DOT 149/08/2024

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). National Land Transport Act (NLTA). National Road Traffic Act. Public Service Act. Public Service Regulations.

DUTIES : Assist in administrative support leading to the formalization of Public Transport Operations through registration: Validating the received documents for registration and or de-registration of public transport operators and their vehicles. Assist in the maintenance of registration data base: Request and receive, per association, the lists of deceased and or In-Active members for deregistration purposes- annually and as per the need. Assist in the preparation of letters to these members/relatives notifying them of the request by their associations. Assist in the preparation of memorandum for approval and capturing/registration/de-registration. Assist in monitoring the compliance by registered operators and their associations with the prescribed minimum standards: Assist in the preparation of reminders to local associations leading to Voter Education, Nominations, Elections - to ensure the fairness of the process. Assist in the coordination of the Inauguration and Training of the newly elected Local Association Executive, and monitoring and assisting the newly elected executive in executing its duties. Assisting in Coordinating the Association Annual General Meetings

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and Coloured, Indian White, African females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 



REF.DOT 150/08/2024 (X2 POSTS) 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

 CENTRE : Sarah Baartman

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Basic knowledge of supply chain duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Basic knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Basic knowledge of work procedures in terms of the working environment. DUTIES : Render asset management clerical support: Compile and maintain records (e.g. asset records/databases). Check and issue furniture, equipment and accessories to components and individuals. Identify redundant, nonserviceable and obsolete equipment for disposal.  Verify asset register.

 ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, White, Indian males and African, Indian, Coloured, White females are encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities. 



REF NO: DOT 151/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). National Land Transport Act (NLTA). National Road Traffic Act. Public Service Act. Public Service Regulations.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organize, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other 136 correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of pay slips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

 ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and African, Indian, White, Coloured females are all encouraged to apply. 



REF NO: DOT 152/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience. however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

 ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and African, Indian, White, Coloured females are all encouraged to apply. 



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

 CENTRE : Traffic Station Ltsc (Lusikisiki) Ref No: DOT 153/08/2024  

Mthatha Station Ref No: DOT 154/08/2024

 REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

 DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide 137 personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

 ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White females are encouraged to apply.



REF NO: DOT 155/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.

DUTIES : Render general clerical support services: Record, organise, store, capture and retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send facsimiles. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders as required. Collect documents/packages from various stakeholders as required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters and/or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing document register of the component. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component: Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotations, complete procurement forms for the purchasing of standard office items. Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component: Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Arrange travelling and accommodation. Support the management of payroll and distribution of payslips. Ensure the distribution of assets and equipment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to African, Indian, White females and Coloured, Indian, White males are encouraged to apply. 



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : KWT: Civil Aviation Services Ref No: DOT 156/08/2024  

KWT: Logistics, Asset and Records Management Ref No: DOT 157/08/2024  

KWT: Internal Audit Ref No: DOT 158/08/2024  

Alfred Nzo: Technical Administration and Compliance Support Services Ref No: DOT 159/08/2024  

Alfred Nzo: Transport Infrastructure Maintenance Service (Re-advertisement) Ref No: DOT 160/08/2024  

In House Construction (Makhanda) Ref No: DOT 161/08/2024  

Joe Gqabi: Office of the District Director Ref No: DOT 162/08/2024

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Excellent language skills and the ability to communicate well with people at different levels and from different backgrounds. Good telephone etiquette. Computer literacy and be able to work will all Microsoft Applications and the related systems. Sound organisational skills. High level of reliability. Excellent written communication skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Good grooming and presentation.

DUTIES : Provide a secretarial support service to the office: Receive telephone calls and refer the calls to the correct persons. Receive visitors to the office. Co-ordinate appointments with the Appointments Secretary. Types documents for the staff within the office. Operate office equipment like fax machines and photocopiers. Provides a clerical support service to the office: Liaise with travel agencies to make travel arrangements for the staff of the office. Arrange meetings and events for the office. Identify venues, invite role players, and organise refreshments. Process the travel and subsistence claims of the staff of the office. Draft routine correspondence and reports. Administer matters like leave registers and telephone accounts. Handle the procurement of standard items like stationary, refreshments etc. Remain up to date regarding 138 prescripts/policies and procedures applicable to her/his work terrain: Study the relevant Public Service and departmental prescripts/policies and other documents to ensure that the application thereof is understood properly. Remain abreast with the procedures and processes that apply in the office.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele 043 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and African, Indian, White, Coloured females are all encouraged to apply, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 



REF NO: DOT 163/08/2024 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : In House Construction (Makhanda)

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage.

Knowledge: Knowledge on employee Health and Wellness Integrated Strategic Framework in the Public Service. knowledge of all four EHW Pillars/ OHS Act. Understanding of all Pillar processes and COID Act. Interpersonal relations/ Communication skills (written, presentation, verbal and listening). Analytical thinking, problem– solving and decision-making skills, presentation skills, strategic capability, change of management skills, report writing skills, client orientation, confidentiality, and code of ethics. Understanding of Public Service legislation, regulations and policies.

DUTIES : Coordination of Occupational Injuries, Accident and Disease Forms, and follow up on claims. Liaise with the Department of Labour and for the management of IODs. Report daily, monthly and annual OHS Statistics. Organize venues for OHS Meetings, and Trainings. Assists with OHS /Wellness Audits. Coordinate the quality assurance documents and of OHS master file. Filing of confidential and no confidential documents. Report OHS/ Wellness challenges to supervisor. Assist in health awareness and the facilitation of health – related events, activities and interventions (Wellness Day, HIV/AIDS etc.).

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Indian, White males and African, Coloured, Indian females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities. 



REF NO: DOT 164/08/2024 (X2 POSTS) 

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE  Sarah Baartman; Alfred Nzo

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage. PERSAL knowledge will be an added advantage.

Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act No.108 of 1996. Employment Equity, Act No.55 of 1998. Labour Relations, Act No.75 of 1995. Public Service Regulations, 2001 as amended.

DUTIES : Implementation of human resource administration practices concerning HR Provisioning. Implementation of appointments and transfers. Conduct verification of qualifications. Provide secretariat functions at interviews. Assist in the management of probationary periods for employees. Respond to human resource administration enquiries and inform supervisor accordingly. Maintain high ethical standards in own work environment. Implementation of service benefits: Verify records of all departmental employees who are the homeowners and those who are tenants. Process leaves gratuity and discounting applications. Process Z102 on-line withdrawal of fund application forms and overleaf timeously. Capture pension application forms for resigned, retired and deceased officials. Assist in the administration of leave matters. Assist in the implementation of PILIR in the district. department. Maintain high ethical standards in own work environment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White, males and African, Coloured, White, Indian females are encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 139 



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : In House Construction – Makhanda Ref No: DOT 165/08/2024  

Chris Hani Ref No: DOT 166/08/2024

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage. PERSAL knowledge will be an added advantage.

Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act No.108 of 1996. Employment Equity, Act No.55 of 1998. Labour Relations, Act No.75 of 1995. Public Service Regulations, 2001 as amended.

DUTIES : Implementation of service benefits: Verify records of all departmental employees who are the homeowners and those who are tenants.  Process leaves gratuity and discounting applications. Process Z102 online withdrawal of fund application forms and overleaf timeously. Capture pension application forms for resigned, retired and deceased officials. Assist in the administration of leave matters. Assist in the implementation of PILIR in the district. department. Maintain high ethical standards in own work environment.

ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White Females and White, Indian males are all encouraged to apply, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets. 



 SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05), (annual salary range)

CENTRE : Amathole Ref No: DOT 167/08/2024 

 Sarah Baartman Ref No: DOT 168/08/2024  

Alfred Nzo Ref No: DOT 169/08/2024

REQUIREMENTS : A National Senior Certificate. No experience, however, exposure in the environment will be an advantage. Knowledge: Basic knowledge of financial functions, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collate financial statistics. Basic knowledge and insight of the Public Service financial legislations. Procedures and Treasury regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Knowledge of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS, LOGIS etc).

DUTIES : Conduct revenue collection services. Assist in the Implementation of departmental revenue collection plan. Monitor the collection of revenue on the allocated revenue collection points. Coordinate payment of collected revenue to the departmental account by departmental revenue collection agents. Conduct revenue reconciliation services: Collect Disbursement Forms and deposit slips from revenue collection agents. Make a follow up on all outstanding returns. Make a follow up on all discrepancies with revenue collection agents (e.g.) South African Post Office. Coordinate updating of the reconciling spreadsheet. Coordinate reconciliation of Disbursements with NATIS report act on any differences. Coordinate reconciliation of reports with BAS and facilitate rectification of any errors. Perform and manage administrative related functions, which include the following: Contribute to compilation of reports as required

 ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. H. Magengelele / Ms. N. Palele Tel No: (043) 604 7674 / 7539 / 7572 / 7504.   e-recruitment technical enquiries: 

NOTE : In terms of Departmental EE targets, preference will be given to Coloured, Indian, White males and African, Indian, White, Coloured females are all encouraged to apply, including People with Disabilities, although EE targets will differ from District to District as each District will use its own targets.

NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form (an unsigned Z83 form will disqualify an application, however, the Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently unsignable – applicants applied via the system must scan and upload the signed Z-83), obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at which must be signed and should be accompanied by a recently updated, comprehensive CV. The applicant must submit copies of qualifications, identity documents and driver’s license (where appropriate) and any other relevant documents. Such copies need not be certified when applying for a post. The communication from HR regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore, only shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be required to submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit Holders will be required to submit his/her Permanent Residence Permit on or before interview date. Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months. The Department reserves the right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons with disability and women are encouraged to apply. For SMS posts all shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job. The selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic Managerial competency assessment in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency-based assessment. The department welcomes applications from all racial groups. However, in making appointments preference for these posts will be given to the designated groups in pursuit of departmental EE targets. Women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. In terms of DPSA Directive on compulsory capacity development, mandatory training, and minimum entry requirements for members of the Senior Management Level for SMS appointments, it is a requirement for applicants to have obtained Pre-entry Certificate (Nyukela) as offered by National School of Government (NSG) for entry into the SMS posts and the full details can be sources by following the link: programme/. This The pre-entry certificate should be submitted prior to appointment.

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