his Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department.
REF NO: NCDOH 118/2024
SALARY : R183 279.per annum
Frances Baard District: Lerato Park Clinic (1 Post) Ritchie Clinic (1 Post) Phutanang Clinc (1 Post) Floors Clinic (1 Post) Warrenton Clinic (1 Post) Sakhile Clinic (1 Post) Kimberley Clinic (1 Post) Mental Hospital (2 Post)
John Taolo Gaetsewe District: Maruping Clinic (1 Post) Tshwaragno Clinic (1 Post) Seoding Clinic (1 Post) Jan Witbooi Clinic (1 Post) Gothusamang Winter Maroro Clinic (1 Post) Kuruman Clinic (1 Post) Padstow Clinic (1 Post) Olifantshoek Clinic (1 Post) Dingleton Clinic (1 Post) Kagung Clinic (1 Post) Mecwetsaneng Clinic (1 Post) Namakwa District: Okiep Clinic (1 Post) Concordia Clinic (1 Post) Komaggas Clinic (1 Post) Lekkersing Clinic (1 Post) Hondeklipbaai Clinic (1 Post)
Pixley Ka Seme District: Hopetown Clinic (1 Post) De Aar Clinic (1 Post) Schmitsdrift Satelite Clinic.(1 Post)
ZF Mgcawu District: Kenhardt CHC X (1 Post) Augrabies Satelite (1 Post) Keimoes Clinic (1 Post) Lingelethu Clinic (1 Post) Boichoko Clinic (1 Post) Dr Harry Surtie Hospital (2 Posts) Karos Clinic (1 Post) Vilandersbrong Satelite Clinic (1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/ Matric Certificate or equivalent.
Skills Profile: Good interpersonal and communication skills. Basic computer literacy skills. Experience in data capturing or information systems will be an added advantage. Competency Profile: Computer literacy: Demonstrate computer skills, through proficiency with Windows operating systems, Microsoft Word, spreadsheet software and/or other commonly used personal computer software (such as MS Access, PowerPoint, MS Excel and MS Word as well as a working knowledge of E-Mail). Knowledge of customer care relations. Knowledge of minimum information standards and how data is collected. Knowledge of DHIS or other information systems used in the public health. Good inter-personal relationship skills. Ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Ensure collection of data according to the National Indicator Data Set (NIDS) – comply with standard data element definitions and data collection tools. Ensure use of standard data recording registers/tools. Ensure adherence to the National Information Management Policy. Ensure all facility data is correct, complete and consistent. Ensure timeous reporting of facility monthly reports to districts i.e. Tier.Net dispatch files. Ensure that monthly input forms correspond to source documents e.g. registers on a regular basis. Proper file keeping in health care facilities. Capturing of data into WebDHIS (including DHIS Daily Capturing), Tier.Net, EDRweb and other patient management systems. Run Validation checks, data integrity checks to ensure quality. Conduct regular data quality audits and participate in external audit activities. Export data and send to next level according to Provincial data flow procedure. Prepare and update graphs on key indicators on monthly basis. Prepare monthly reports on key indicators and targets for presentation at facility meetings (in accordance to facility monthly plans). Provide feedback through the facility manager to all staff involved in data collection on the quality of the data. (once a month). Perform administrative/clerical duties as required.
ENQUIRIES : Frances Baard District: Mr M. Joka Tel No: (053) 861 4770 John Taolo Gaetsewe District: Mr KM Taolo Tel No: (053) 775 1149. Namakwa District: Mr D. Grootboom Tel No: (027) 7121601 Pixley Ka Seme District: Ms S. McCloen Tel No: (053) 632 400/406 ZF Mgcawu District: Mr. M. Beketsana, Tel No: (054) 337 0600.
Frances Baard District: Application must be e-mailed to, hand delivered or couriered via postal services to 119 Green Street, Riveria, Kimberley. Applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
Applications for John Taolo Gaetsewe District: Application must be e-mailed to, hand delivired or couriered via postal services to 1 Petso Street, Kagisho Health Centre, Mothibistad. Applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
Applications for Namakwa District: Application must be e-mailed to and hand delivered or couriered via postal services to 7 Rivierstreet, Springbok, Postal address: Private Bag x10, Springbok, 8240. Applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
Applications for Pixley Ka Seme District: Application must be e-mailed to or hand delivered orcouriered via postal services to Van der Merwe Street, De Aaar, 7000. Applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered
Applications for ZF Mgcawu District: Applications: Applications must be e-mailed to or couriered via postal service or hand delivered to 110 Schroder Street, ZF Mgcawu District Office (Old Gordonia Hospital), Upington, 8801. Applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
REF NO: NCDOH 116/2024
SALARY : Grade 1: R307 473.per annum
CENTRE : Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing College (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. Registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse.
Experience: Grade 1: None after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing.
DUTIES : Provide direction and supervision for the implementation of the nursing plan (clinical practice/quality patient care). Implement standards, practices, criteria and indicators for quality nursing (quality of practice). Practice nursing and health care in accordance with the laws and regulations relevant to nursing and health care. Maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other stakeholders. Utilize human, material and physical resources efficiently and effectively.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. E Olivier/ Ms. S. Langeveldt Tel No: (053) 802 9111
APPLICATIONS : Please note applications can be hand delivered to the HRM 3rd Floor Admin Building or E-Mailed at All applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
REF NO: NCDOH 117/2024
SALARY : Grade 1: R209 112.per annum
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification that allows registration with the SANC as Staff Nurse. Registration with the SANC as Enrolled Nurse.
Experience: Grade 1: None.
DUTIES : Development and implementation of basic patient care plans. Provide basic clinical nursing care. Effective utilization of resources. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and selfdevelopment. 47
ENQUIRIES : Dr. E Olivier/ Ms. S. Langeveldt, Tel no: (053) 802 2911
APPLICATIONS : Please note applications can be hand delivered to the HRM 3rd Floor Admin Building or E-Mailed at All applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
REF NO: NCDOH 112/2024
SALARY : Grade 1: R949 146. per annum
CENTRE : Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : :Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as Medical Practitioner. Registration with HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. Experience: Grade 1: None after registration as Medical Practitioner with the HPCSA in respect of SA qualified employees 1 year relevant experience after registration as Medical Practitioner with a recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service as required in South Africa.
DUTIES : The candidate will be expected to render quality patient-care for all patients within in the relevant unit. Exam, investigate, diagnose and provide treatment to patients. Participation in activities within the discipline including case presentation and other departmental/unit meetings. Render applicable administration function, attend meetings, workshops and training as directed by the Head of Department. Observe and comply with all departmental policies and guidelines regulating employment relationships and clinical functioning. Perform duties as assigned by the supervisor and other senior officials
ENQUIRIES : Dr DG Theys, Tel No (053) 8302 102
APPLICATIONS : Please note applications can be hand delivered to the James Exum Building , Room 29, couriered via postal services to 144 Du Toitspan Road, James Exum Building, Kimberley Hospital Complex, Kimberley, 8301 or emailed at Applicants must complete an application register when an application is hand delivered.
CLOSING DATE : 02 August 2024
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new prescribed application form Z83 of the Public Service Act, obtainable from any Public Service Department or any Public Service Administration website. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed/comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, indicating positions held, dates and key performance responsibilities. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of their qualifications and relevant documents on or before the day of the interview proceedings following communication from the Human Resource Management Recruitment and Selection Unit. Failure to submit the requested documents or information will result in your application not being considered. The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the Northern Cape Department of Health. Should an applicant wish to apply for more than one post, separate applications must be submitted for all posts. If you have not been contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, residential address, qualification verification and employment verification). Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. The Department reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the above post. The successful candidate will be expected to sign a performance agreement. The Department of Health is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the Department. It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this post(s) with a candidate whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representavity in line with the numerical targets as contained in our Employment Equity Plan. For all SMS positions, the successful completion of the Public Service Senior Management Leadership Programme as endorsed by the National School of Government. The SMS Pre-Entry Certificate is required prior to appointment. For more details on the pre-entry course visit: /SMS preentry-program.
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