Closing Date: 04.09.2024
Seeks to Attract : All categories
Job Level: T10
Scale: R321 372,00 – R446 364,00 per annum
Estimated Remuneration Package: R469 120,93 – R628 208,66 per annum
Job Purpose
To execute projects (operations) in an effective way by keeping to the set targets of time, cost, resources and standards of each project and to adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993)
Application An appropriate trade certificate as Electrician (red seal)
At least two years’ relevant experience in local authority electrical networks
A valid Code C1 driving licence with a valid PrDP
Physical fitness and health
Ability to do physical work related to operation and maintenance activities for continuous periods
Willingness and ability to work shifts, standby and overtime
Personal Attributes/ Competencies:
No colour blindness; no serious physical disabilities; no back problems; interpersonal skills; ability to concentrate for prolonged periods; written and verbal communication skills; no fear of heights (acrophobia); dependability and trustworthiness; ability to understand and execute instructions of supervisor
Primary Fuctions :
Optimally using resources for cost-effectiveness of vehicles, tools and material
Constructing electrical networks to ensure effective service delivery
Maintaining the existing electrical network to ensure network stability
Adhering to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993
Enquiries : Phuti Mabotja (012 358 6607/6610)
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