THE DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT (DID) is recruiting 1000 unemployed youth and adults between the ages of 18 - 55 years to join the Vacant Land & Facilities Maintenance Programme under our Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP).
Minimum Entry Requirements
• Ability to read and write and basic communication skills
• Ability / willingness to utilise diverse types of hand tools
• Ability to work independently with little supervision on vacant land.
• No experience required.
• Exposure in working on vacant land sites will be an added advantage.
• Should be available for the duration of the programme and prepared to sign a fixed contract which is not renewable
• Should reside in the ward and closer to the project site
• Should have no criminal record
Knowledge and understanding of basic legislative framework regulating the waste and environmental sector.
Basic understanding of the OHS on safety procedures working on vacant land.
Basic understanding of the Batho Pele principles
Good verbal and written communication.
Job knowledge. Teamwork.
Interpersonal relations. Flexibility.
Duties: A regular cycle of maintenance of sites - i.e. clearance must be done on an on-going basis throughout the year so as to ensure that the site is always cleared and maintained adequately; clearing of debris, shrubs, papers, bottles & any other waste material, clearing of all unwanted materials on sites, cutting of grass and tree felling, loading and offloading of waste at landfill sites
NB: Participants who have previously participated in any EPWP programme across Government in the past five years will not be considered. ONLY participants residing within the following wards will be considered:
Central Corridor (City of Johannesburg) Ward 63, Ward 110, Ward 106, Ward 54, Ward 23, Ward07, Ward 100, Ward 01, Ward 45
Northern Corridor (City of Tshwane) Ward 87, Ward 60, Ward 47, Ward 49, Ward 84, Ward 83, Ward 41, Ward 103, Ward 193, Ward 20, Ward 64
Eastern Corridor (City of Ekurhuleni) Ward 45, Ward 24, Ward 17, Ward 97, Ward 91, Ward 95
Southern Corridor (Sedibenq, Emfuleni & Midvaal Districts) Ward 01, Ward 44, Ward 45
Western Corridor (Merafong & Rand West Districts) Ward 15, Ward 05, Ward 17, Ward 21, Ward 22
Documents to Submit
NB: The following documents should be accompanied by the new Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the Internet www.dpsa.gov2a/documents,
• REF NO: VLFMP_2023/24
• Proof of Bank Account in your name
• Printed CV
• Personal Tax Certificate
• Certified ID Copy (not older than 3 months)
• Signed Proof of Address (from your Ward Councilor)
Applications must be hand delivered to the closest Department of Infrastructure Development office:
City of Johannesburg: 11 Diagonal St Marshall Town, Johannesburg
City of Ekurhuleni: 72 Main Ave, Springs Central
City of West Rand: 72 Whitehall Street Hurst hill, Brixton
South Rand: Al Bleskbok Leeuhoof, Vereeniging
City of Tshwane: Corner 51 Bloed Street & Sophie DE bruin, Pretoria
Applications Closing, 31 July 20231 Closing Time: 16HOOpm
Enquiries: Mr Sabata Banda (076) 946 6000