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how to increase your chances of securing INTERVIEWS while job hunting by Thandi Mhlongo

A THREAD on how to increase your chances of securing INTERVIEWS while job hunting.

6 months ago, I got dismissed from work with immediate effect which tarnished my name and made it almost impossible to get a job, but by the grace of God I signed my contract 2 days ago.

This is how I managed to find a job:

1. NB! The way your CV looks is high key crucial and important.

I’ve come across many people who say that the look of your cv isn’t important it’s the content that matter. This is so not entirely true.

Yes, the content is important but having a great looking CV gives you that an added edge. So, here’s some advice: * If possible, go away with the Microsoft Word formats and opt for a design CV, this increases the chances of your CV being seen greatly. For those who already have designed CV’s, switch it up once in a while. In the 6 months I was unemployed I changed my CV 3 times, same content but all different layouts. I personally designed all my CVs. If you would like for me to assist you with this, I will gladly do so at a reasonable fee of R100 😊.

2. Upload your CV to each and every job portal you can think of.

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Here are a few I really like/prefer over the others: * PNet * Indeed * CareerJunction * LinkedIn

3. Once your CV is uploaded and you’ve filled in all the necessary details, apply for daily notifications from all the portals.

Yes, this means you’ll receive a mountain of emails on a daily basis but I managed to secure my current position from a notification sent from PNet.

4. Always attach a portrait picture of yourself to the portals.

I know we all have our own opinions about this, but adding a friendly yet professional picture to your CV says a lot about you already…

5. Set aside time each day, about an hour if possible, where you’re only focused on applying to vacancies via the portals you signed up for.

I know most people are more keen on applying for a permanent position, but until you manage to secure one, don’t shy away from. for temp or a part time positions too, this adds onto your experience, and you’d be able to bring in a little bit of cash while waiting for that congratulations email for your permanent role.

6. Most of the positions advertised on these portals are by agencies advertising on behalf of their clients.

It’s rare to come across the actual company advertising for themselves.  If an agency advertised, don’t shy away from applying. I know a lot of people refrain from applying because of hear say and dodgy experiences, but there are plenty of honest, reliable agencies out there. When applying, take note of who is advertising the post, google them, get their contact details and do some cold calling.

7. When you do some cold calling, be polite, fetch your manners from where you left them and be enthusiastic. You’re going to encounter a number of people who sound like their irritated that you called, but don’t let that throw you off. Stay focused.

If I was calling an agency, this would be my go-to line, “ Good Morning How are you? I’m great thanks. Could I kindly please speak to the person in charge of the “x” position advertised on PNet? (If you’re speaking to the person already, then continue with the next question. if they are going to transfer you, greet again then ask the same questions again, then follow with the next.) I wanted to find out if the position is still available? I am very interested in the position advertised; is there perhaps an email I could send my CV to? (Then the rest is history, remember to say thank you when you end the call). “ If I’m calling the company directly, same process, except just ask to speak to HR. Some companies might not appreciate this, and some companies might. Just try your luck. So, what this does is, you’ve applied via the portal, but now you’ve also applied directly to the person in charge which is another added advantage.

8. Lastly, this has nothing to do with this thread but has everything to do with this thread. I’m not trying to come off as if know it all, or think I am better than the next person, I just wanted to share what helped me secure many interviews.

For many, just securing one interview is enough, they could walk out there with the job, for me, not so much. My dismissal gave me a bad name, coming across a company who can look past that is rare, but there are out there. So, if you have the same story as I, don’t be discouraged. Be honest and pray God takes care of the rest. Grace and mercy, His undeserved favour is upon your life.

9. Going into this, you have to have the right type of attitude. Your faith needs to be on some other type of level! Be confident and always think positive.

Remember, you’re going to encounter a lot of rejections, BUT eventually you’ll get that congratulations email. Most importantly don’t give up. I applied to over 1200 posts over the 6-month period. It seems like a lot, but if we do the maths that’s about 10 applications a day if you don’t include weekends. Some of you are questioning if this number is accurate considering the “lack” of jobs available for people, pretty much. Jobs are posted every day, you just have to look in the right places.

10. My last, last advice to you is, trust God. TRUST GOD! Our miracle working God!


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