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Nurses x20 posts at KZN Department of Health


The Department of Health is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is intended to promote representativity in all occupational categories in the Department. The candidature of persons whose appointment/transfer/promotion will promote representivity will receive preference.


Component: Nursing – Theatre and CSSD

SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum

CENTRE : Queen Nandi Regional Hospital (Empangeni)

REQUIREMENTS : Degree/Diploma qualification that allows registration to General Nursing & Midwifery. Relevant post basic qualification (Diploma in Operating Theatre Training - DOTT). Registration certificate with South African Nursing Council (SANC). Current SANC receipt (2023). Experience: Grade 1: is a minimum of 4 years’ experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse.

Knowledge, Skills, Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service Acts, regulations and policies. Knowledge of SANC rules and regulations. Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant legal frameworks. Good communication, verbal, written, leadership, interpersonal, problem solving, conflict management and decision making skills. Knowledge and experience in implementation of Batho Pele Principles and Patient’s Rights Charter, Code of Conduct. Team building and diversity Management skills.

DUTIES : Effective management of patients, display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patient’s needs, requirements and expectations. Provision of quality services through setting of standards, policies and procedures. Participate in the implementation of National Priorities clinical guidelines, protocols. Maintain accurate and complete patient records according to legal requirements. Exercise control over discipline, grievance 49 and labour relations issues. Promote good working relationships amongst staff and patients. Assist in supervision and development of all nursing staff. Reduction of maternal and child mortality and morbidity rate. Ensure effective participation in all hospital programs e.g. IPC, Quality Assurance, etc. Provide a Safe, therapeutic and hygienic environment for patients, visitors and staff. To participate in the care of Swabs and instruments in Theatre. To provide immediate care to all patients that have been operated. To prepare for the operations ensuring smooth running of Theatre.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs J Marais Tel No: (035) 907 7005

APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: Human Resources Offices at Queen Nandi Regional Hospital Private Bag X20005, Empangeni, 3880. Physical Address: 21 Union Street, Empangeni, 3880. FOR ATTENTION : Deputy Director: Human Resources: Mr SM Ndabandaba Tel No: (035) 907 7011


Component: Neonatal Services

SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum

CENTRE : Queen Nandi Regional Hospital (Empangeni)

REQUIREMENTS : Degree/Diploma qualification that allows registration to General Nursing. Relevant post basic qualification (Diploma in Critical Care/Trauma) registration certificate with South African Nursing Council (SANC). Current SANC receipt (2023). Experience: Grade 1: is a minimum of 4 years’ experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse.

Knowledge, Skills, Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service Acts, Regulations, and policies. Knowledge of SANC rules and regulations. Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant legal frameworks. Good communication, verbal, written, leadership, interpersonal, problem solving, conflict management and decision-making skills. Knowledge and experience in implementation of Batho Pele Principles and Patient’s Rights Charter, Code of Conduct. Team building and diversity management skills.

DUTIES : Effective management of patients, display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patient’s needs, requirements and expectations. Provision of quality services through setting of standards, policies and procedures. Participate in the implementation of National Priorities clinical guidelines, protocols. Maintain accurate and complete patient records according to legal requirements. Exercise control over discipline, grievance and labour relations issues. Promote good working relationships amongst staff and patients. Assist in supervision and development of all nursing staff. Reduction of maternal and child mortality and morbidity rate. Ensure effective participation in all hospital programs e.g. IPC, Quality Assurance, etc. Provide a Safe, therapeutic and hygienic environment for patients, visitors and staff. Be able to manage mothers and ventilated babies and report when necessary. Initiate and lead all child health programs i.e. PPP, PMTCT, CARMA MBFHI, ESMOE, etc.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs J Marais Tel No: (035) 907 7005

APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: Human Resources Offices at Queen Nandi Regional Hospital, Private Bag X20005, Empangeni, 3880. Physical Address: 21 Union Street, Empangeni, 3880. FOR ATTENTION : Deputy Director: Human Resources: Mr SM Ndabandaba Tel No: (035) 907 7011


SALARY : Grade 1: R 431 265 per annum Grade 2: R 528 696 per annum

CENTRE : Christ The King Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Senior Certificate/Grade 12. Diploma/Degree in General Nursing and midwifery that allow registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse and a midwife. A post basic diploma in Operating Theatre Nursing Science. Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. Current SANC receipt for 2023. A minimum of 4 years appropriate or recognizable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing and midwifery. Verification of employment endorsed by Human Resource department.

Knowledge, Skills, Competencies and Training Required: Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills. Ability to make independent decisions. An understanding of the challenges facing the public health sector but not overstepping scope of practice. Ability to prioritize issues and other work-related matters and to comply with time frames. High level of accuracy. Depth knowledge of Acts, Policies, Procedures, Prescripts and Legislations. Supervisory, team building, problem solving, communication and skills to practice in the field of work.

DUTIES : Execute professional Nurse’s duties and functions with proficiency in support of the strategic objectives and operational plan of the Institution. Render an optimal holistic specialized nursing care to patients as member of the Multidisciplinary team. Display concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care and willingness to respond to patient’s needs. Advocate for quality care of patients Maintain accurate and complete patient records. Assist the Operational manager with overall management and necessary support for the effective functioning of the unit. Train and supervise junior staff. Strengthen ethics and professionalism. Participate in the formulation, analysis, implementation and monitoring of unit objectives, policies, and procedures. Ensure effective and efficient management of resources and availability of essential medical/surgical equipment. Maintain accreditation standards by ensuring compliance with National Norms and Standards and Ideal hospital programmes. Ensure the unit complies with Infection Prevention and Control as well as Occupational Health and Safety policies. Participate in staff development using EPMDS System and other work related. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training. Participate in the departmental quality improvement committees. Assist and supervise in CSSD. Manage/co-ordinate the smooth functioning of the instrument/pack room.

ENQUIRIES : Miss MNL Mthembu: DMN Tel No: (039) 834 7500

APPLICATIONS : Applications may be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Private Bag X542, Ixopo, 3276 or Hand delivered to: Christ the King Hospital, Human Resource Office, No 1 Peter hauff Drive, Ixopo, 3276. “Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the online e-Recruitment system at Applicants can submit their Z83 and CV directly to the following email address Applicants may also visit any one of our Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) where our friendly staff will assist you with applying online or receiving your hardcopy 52 application. You can find the list of Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) at” FOR ATTENTION : Mr ZC Mhlongo (Human Resources) Tel No: (039) 834 7500


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 per annum

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Senior Certificate/Grade 12. Diploma/Degree in General nursing and midwifery that allow registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse and a midwife. A post basic diploma in Child Nursing Science a duration of at least 1 (one) year accredited with SANC. Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. Current SANC receipt for 2023. A minimum of 4 years appropriate or recognizable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing and midwifery. Verification of employment endorsed by Human Resource department.

Knowledge, Skills, Competencies and Training Required: Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills. Ability to make independent decisions. An understanding of the challenges facing the public health sector but not overstepping scope of practice. Ability to prioritize issues and other work-related matters and to comply with time frames. High level of accuracy. Depth knowledge of Acts, Policies, Procedures, Prescripts and Legislations. Supervisory, team building, problem solving, communication and skills to practice in the field of work.

DUTIES : Execute professional Nurse’s duties and functions with proficiency in support of the strategic objectives and operational plan of the Institution. Render an optimal holistic specialized nursing care to patients as member of the Multidisciplinary team. Display concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care and willingness to respond to patient’s needs. Advocate for quality care of patients Maintain accurate and complete patient records. Assist the Operational manager with overall management and necessary support for the effective functioning of the unit. Train and supervise junior staff. Strengthen ethics and professionalism. Participate in the formulation, analysis, implementation and monitoring of unit objectives, policies, and procedures. Ensure effective and efficient management of 53 resources and availability of essential medical/surgical equipment. Maintain accreditation standards by ensuring compliance with National Norms and Standards and Ideal hospital programmes. Ensure the unit complies with Infection Prevention and Control as well as Occupational Health and Safety policies. Participate in staff development using EPMDS System and other work related. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training. Participate in the departmental quality improvement committees. Implement all MCWH Programmes which will contribute to a reduction in mortality rates. Participate in QUALITY Improvement Programmes and audits. Uphold the Batho Pele Principles and Patients Right Charter. Maintain accurate and complete patient records according to legal requirements.

ENQUIRIES : Miss MNL MthembU – DMN Tel No: (039) 834 7500

APPLICATIONS : Applications may be forwarded to: Assistant Director - HRM, Private Bag X542, Ixopo, 3276 or Hand delivered to: Christ the King Hospital, Human Resource Office, No 1 Peter hauff Drive, Ixopo, 3276. “Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the online e-Recruitment system at Applicants can submit their Z83 and CV directly to the following email address Applicants may also visit any one of our Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) where our friendly staff will assist you with applying online or receiving your hardcopy application. You can find the list of Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) at” FOR ATTENTION : Mr ZC Mhlongo (Human Resources) Tel No: (039) 834 7500


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum

CENTRE : Osindisweni District Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Grade 12 certificate or equivalent. Diploma/Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery. 1 Year post basic qualification in specialty i.e. Orthopedic Nursing Science. A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a professional nurse with SANC in General Nurse. 2023 SANC receipt.

NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of nursing care process and procedures nursing statutes and other relevant legal frameworks. Demonstrate ethical nursing practices, professionalism, responsiveness, proactiveness, accuracy, flexibility, initiative, co-operation, supportive and assertive. Promote quality of nursing as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the institution. Conflict management and negotiation skills. Problem solving skills. Ability to work in a team. Computer literate. Must be willing to work under pressure and shifts.

DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic trauma nursing care with set standards within a professional and legal framework. Assist in the implementation of Employee Performance and Management System (EPMDS) to monitor staff performance. Abide and comply with information management policies by ensuring that correct and accurate data in collected and submitted by casualty department. Implementation of quality assurance, infection prevention and control and National Core Standards in casualty department. Implement disaster management policies to ensure disaster preparedness in the emergency department. Work harmonious with staff and patients to eliminate grievances (labour disputes) and patient complaints. Ensure effective utilization of resources. Ensure high quality nursing care within the unit.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs LC Mtshali Tel No: (032) 541 9202

APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Osindisweni District Hospital, Private Bag X15, Verulam, 4340 or hand delivered to: Human Resource Department at Osindisweni District Hospital, Oakford Road, Verulam, 4340.


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum

CENTRE : Madadeni Provincial Hospital: Osizweni Clinic 1 Ref No: MAD 19/2023 (X1 Post) Osizweni Clinic 2 Ref No: MAD 20/2023 (X2 Posts) Gateway Clinic Ref No: MAD 22/2023 (X1 Post)

REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 Degree/Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the SANC as a professional nurse. A post basic qualification with a duration of at least 1 year in Clinical assessment, treatment and care. A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after registration as a professional nurse with SANC in General Nursing.

Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of all applicable legislation and guidelines, including scientific nursing and nursing principles. Good interpersonal relationship skills and good listening skills. Good communication and problem-solving skills. Co-ordination and planning skills. Ability to relieve in the service areas. Team building and supervisory skills. Ability to formulate patient care related policies. Sound knowledge of the health programmes run at the PHC level. Sound knowledge of the Norms and Standards, Ideal Clinic and data management.

DUTIES : Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians, including report writing and statistics. Assist the unit manager/Operational Manager with overall management and necessary support for effective functioning in the clinic. Work as part of a multidisciplinary team to ensure effective Nursing Care in the clinic. Implement and advocate for preventive and promotive health initiatives for clients and the community served by the clinic. Ensure proper utilization of human, material and financial resources and maintain updated records of resources in the clinic. Ensure effective implementation of National Norms and Standards and Ideal Clinic Realisation and Maintenance Framework. Supervision of patients and provision of basic patient needs e.g. oxygen, nutrition, elimination, fluids and electrolyte balance, safe and the therapeutically environment in the clinic using EDL guidelines. Ensure clinical intervention to clients including administration of prescribed medication and ongoing observation of patients in the clinic. Implement health programmes within the PHC package in accordance with set guidelines, monitor performance and outcomes against the set targets and act on deviations. Ensure that programme specific data collected is timeous and accurate. Motivate staff regarding development in order to increase level of expertise and assist patients to develop a sense of care. Refer patients promptly according to the set guidelines, protocols, policies. Ensure proper utilization and safe keeping of basic medical, surgical and pharmaceutical stock.

ENQURIES : Ms NW Kubheka Tel No: (034) 328 8137

APPLICATIONS : All applications should be posted to: The Recruitment Officer, Madadeni Hospital, Private Bag X6642, Newcastle, 2940 FOR ATTENTION : The Recruitment Officer


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 per annum

CENTRE : Umzinyathi Health District Office

REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Senior Certificate (Grade 12). Diploma/Degree in General nursing 1 (One) year post basic qualification in Primary Health Care accredited by SANC. Current registration with SANC. Valid drivers licence code 08 (B) or 10 (C1). Grade 1: A minimum of Four (4) years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing.

Recommendations: NIMART trained plus 1-year relevant experience after obtaining the NIMART certificate. Experience in PHC and HAST Training. Experience in the HAST Program.

Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required: Report Writing skills. Financial Management skills. Empathy and counselling skills and knowledge. Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills. Project management skills. Ability to make independent decisions. An understanding of the challenges facing the public health sectors. Ability to translate transformation objectives into practical plans. Ability to prioritize issues and other work-related matters and to comply with the time frames. Proven initiative, decisiveness and to acquire new knowledge swiftly.

DUTIES : Assess District HAST Training needs and co-ordinate the development of an integrated HAST training plan, involving all relevant internal and external stakeholders. Co-ordinate, manage and monitor the implementation of the HAST training programme in the district whilst ensuring integration with all Strategic Health Programmes. Ensure the effective and efficient utilization of resources allocated to the HAST training section. Adapt and modify training material, keeping it current and maintaining the high-level interest of health care messages and ensuring integration of all priority programmes. Support Programme Managers to train all cadres including PHC Facilities, Institutional personnel, Outreach Teams, Community Health Workers and Household Champions. Ensure capacity building and mentoring of the State Aided Institution’s personnel so that all departmental guidelines, policies and protocols are adhered to. Translate Health Care policies as stipulated by Provincial Programme Directives into HAST training initiatives. Manage all resources allocated to the HAST Training unit and further lobby for additional resources for both the District and Sub-Districts. Work closely with District and Sub-District Program Managers, PHC Supervisors, Sub- District PHC Trainers and other internal and external service providers in addressing the implementation of the District HAST Training plan. Compile monthly, quarterly and annual HAST training reports and submit to direct supervisor, Human 58 Resource Development and Regional Training Centre. Ensure maintenance of quality HAST training, implementation and mentoring in the district.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs S Sibiya Tel No: (034) 299 9100

APPLICATIONS : Applications forwarded to or Hand Delivered Umzinyathi Health District Office, 34 Wilson Street, Dundee, 3000, Private Bag X2052, Dundee, 3000 Application may also be emailed to: FOR ATTENTION : Ms. ML Mbatha


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum :

CENTRE : Ladysmith Regional Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate). Current Registration with SANC (2023/2024). Degree/Diploma in General Nursing with Midwifery. A post-basic nursing qualification with a duration of at least 1 year accredited with SANC in Critical care Nursing Science. Certificate of service endorsed by HR. Grade 1: A minimum of 4/four year’s appropriate/recognizable experience after registration with SANC as a General Nurse and Midwifery and after obtaining the one year Post Basic Qualification in Critical Care Nursing Science.

NB: only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required: Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant legal frameworks. Good verbal and written communication and report writing skills. Decision making and problem-solving skills. Conflict management and negotiation skills. Project Management skills. Good knowledge of Cardiac conditions. Basic computer skills.

DUTIES : Provide comprehensive, quality nursing care to patients/clients in a Critical Care unit in a cost effective, efficient manner. Assist in planning, organising and monitoring of objectives of the specialised unit. Manage all resources within the unit effectively and efficiently to ensure optimum service delivery. Able to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patient’s needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure good nursing care. Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians, including report writing when required. Ensure compliance with all National, Provincial and Professional prescripts in order to render a safe patient service and improve client satisfaction. Participate in the analysis and formulation of nursing policy & procedures.). Assist in EPMDS evaluation of staff, within the unit and participate in the monitoring of training and development of staff. Participate in the analysis and formulation of nursing policies and procedures. Provide direct and indirect supervision of all staff within the unit and give guidance. Order appropriate level of consumables and monitor utilization. Ensure that all equipment in the unit is adequate and is checked and in working order. Provide for a safe, therapeutic and hygienic environment. Work effectively and amicably, at supervisory level, with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Demonstrate an understanding of Human 59 Resource and Financial Management Policies and Procedures. Monitor and evaluate the care and management of all Patients and ensure the maintenance of accurate and complete patient records.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs TM Buthelezi Tel No: (036) 637 2111 APPLICATIONS : All applications should be emailed to or be posted to: The Human Resource Management, Ladysmith Regional Hospital, Private Bag X9928, Ladysmith, 3370. FOR ATTENTION : Mr SL Dlozi


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum

CENTRE : Ladysmith Regional Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate). Current Registration with SANC (2023/2024). Degree/Diploma in General nursing with Midwifery. A post-basic nursing qualification with a duration of at least 1 year accredited with SANC in Psychiatric Nursing Science. Certificate of service endorsed by Human Resource department. Grade 1: A minimum of 4/four years appropriate/recognizable experience after registration with SANC as a General Nurse and Midwifery and after obtaining the one year Post Basic Qualification in Psychiatric Nursing Science.

NB: only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required: Strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills. Ability to make independent decisions. An understanding of the challenges facing the public health sector. Ability to prioritize issues and other work-related matters and to comply with time frames. High level of accuracy. Depth knowledge of Acts, Policies, Procedures, Prescripts and Legislations. Full understanding of the role of a professional nurse. DUTIES : Render optimal holistic specialized nursing care to patients as member of the Multidisciplinary team. Train and supervise junior staff and student nurses. 60 Maintain accreditation standards by ensuring compliance with National Norms and Standards and Ideal hospital. Co-ordinate clinical activities of the unit. Participate in the formulation, analysis, implementation and monitoring of unit objectives, policies, and procedures. Ensure the unit complies with Infection Prevention and Control as well as Occupational Health and Safety policies. Strengthen ethics and professionalism. Provide safe and therapeutic environment for patients, staff and public. Advocate for quality care of patients. Participate in staff development using EPMDS System and other work-related programmes and training. Ensure that equipment and machinery is available and functional at all times. Report and challenges and deficiencies within the unit. Attend to meetings, workshops and training programs as assigned by the supervisor. ENQUIRIES : Mrs TM Buthelezi Tel No: (036) 637 2111 APPLICATIONS : All applications should be emailed to or be posted to: The Human Resource Management, Ladysmith Regional Hospital, Private Bag X9928, Ladysmith, 3370. FOR ATTENTION : Mr SL Dlozi


SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 per annum.

CENTRE : Othobothini Community Health Centre

REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12. Diploma/Degree in nursing or equivalent qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Current registration with SANC (2023). Registration with SANC in General Nursing, Midwifery and Primary Health Care. A post basic nursing qualification (of at least 1 year) in Clinical Nursing Science, health Assessment, Treatment and care accredited with SANC. A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant legal framework such as Batho Pele Principles, Patients’ rights, Nursing Act etc. Conflict handling and counselling skills. Good report writing skills. Good communication skills both verbal and written. Good interpersonal skills. Project, financial and time management skills. Understanding of challenges facing Public Health Sector. Ability to plan and prioritise issues and other work related matters and comply with time frames.

DUTIES : Ensure the efficient and effective control of surgical sundries, pharmaceuticals, equipment and miscellaneous stores. Screening, diagnosing 61 and treatment of patients. Maintain accurate and complete patients records according to legal requirements. Assist in compiling and updating of procedural guidelines. Identify problems, arears needing improvement and communicate them to Operational Manager. Co- ordination of services within the institution and other services related to community health (NGO’s, CBO’s, CHW. Ensure supervision, provision and basic patient’s needs. Evaluate and follow up patients during clinic visits. Promote preventive health for clients. Initiate treatment, implementation of programs and evaluation of patients clinical conditions. Attend and participate during doctor’s visits. Provide education to patients, staff and public. Assess in service training needs, planning and implementation of training.

ENQUIRIES : Ms NN Mdletshe Tel No: (035) 572 9002

APPLICATIONS : Please forward applications quoting reference number to: Human Resource Management Service, Othobothini CHC, Private Bag X12, Jozini, 3969 or hand deliver to Othobothini CHC HR Department.

POST 41/56 PROFESSIONAL NURSE (GENERAL) REF NO: PMMH/PN/GEN/OT/10/23 (X3 POSTS) Component: Theatre Contract Appointment

SALARY : Grade 1: R293 670 – R337 860 per annum

CENTRE : Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: (General) Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma/ Degree in Nursing) that allows registration with the ‘South African Nursing Council’ (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. Certificates of Registration with the SANC (General Nursing with Midwifery) Experience: None.

NB: For experience above the experience set for appointment- one notch for every completed 2 years as at 31 March of the year preceding the date of appointment; minus 1 year for candidates appointed from outside the public service. Knowledge, Skills Training and Competencies Required: Demonstrate an in depth understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Possess communication skills for dealing with patients, supervisors and other members of the multidisciplinary team including the writing of reports when required. Good human relations displaying a concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including a willingness and awareness to respond to patient’s needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele) Demonstrate a basic understanding of HR and Financial policies and practices. Demonstrate basic computer literacy as a support tool to enhance 62 service delivery. Ability to plan and organize own work, time and that of support personnel to Ensure proper nursing care in the unit. Demonstrate in depth knowledge and understanding of Infection Prevention and Control Policies and practices. Recommendation: Experience in Operating Theatre.

DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic and quality nursing care with set standards and within a professional/legal framework. Effective utilization of resources. Participation in training and research. Provision of support to nursing services. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and self-development. Display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patient needs, requirements and Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure good nursing care that is cost Effective, equitable and efficient. Must be prepared to work shift as per allocation; includes night shift, weekends and Public Holidays.

ENQUIRIES : Mrs RM Abboo Tel No: (031) 907 8528

APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: The Human Resource Manager, Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X07, Mobeni, 4060 or hand deliver to A-Block, 1st Floor, white applications box.


NOTE : Directions to candidates: The applicant must submit a fully completed Z83 form and a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) (only). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of all documents and certificate of Service endorsed by Human Resources. The official Z83 form ‘Application for employment’ (the new amended version of the Z83 form effectively from 01/01/2021 must be used only; the old Z83 form will be rejected, if used). The amended Z83 application for employment form is obtainable at any Government Department or downloaded from the website – or The ‘Reference Number’ and ‘Position’ for which are applying (as stated in the advert) must be clearly indicated in the columns provided on the form Z 83 e.g. Reference number PMMH/AD/PHARM/1/2023. For those with internet access, the online e-Recruitment system is accessible through a computer or mobile device i.e., Phone or Tablet. The system has the following functionality: All adverts are available for viewing by the public through the address Applicants will be required to register on the system by providing a username and password. Applicants require a mobile phone number and a valid email address to register and will be guided through the registration process by the system. Applicants must update their profile on the system, which is in line with the approved Z83 application form. Applicants will be able to upload a copy of their Curriculum Vitae (CV), and the system makes provision for the uploading of other documents such as Identity Documents, Driver’s Licence, Qualifications, etc. The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience verifications). The successful candidate would be required to sign a performance agreement within three months of appointment. Please note that due to the high number of applications anticipated, applications will not be acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within two months after the closing date of the advertisement, consider your application as unsuccessful, please. Persons with disabilities from all designated race groups are encouraged to apply for the post. Please note that no S&T payments will be considered for payment to candidates who are invited for interviews. It is the shortlisted candidate’s responsibility to have a foreign qualification, which is a requirement of the post, evaluated by the South Africans Qualifications authority (SAQA). Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered The Department reserves the right not to fill the post/s. Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. (This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department).

CLOSING DATE : 24 November 2023

Download Z83 Forms


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