Closing Date: 09.09.2024
This Position
Seeks to Attract : All categories
Job Level: T2
Scale: R149 736,00 – R180 288,00 per annum
Estimated Remuneration
Package: R250 665,49 – R289 551,56 per annum
Job purpose
To dig and backfill trenches, break and mix concrete, remove sewer blockages, clean vehicles, tools, equipment and work areas, and act as personal assistant to artisan under whom he/she will function
Application Basic literacy
Relevant experience in a municipal water network maintenance environment will be an added advantage
Physical fitness and health with no back problems
Ability to do physical work related to operation and maintenance activities for continuous periods
Willingness and ability to work shifts and standby
Personal Attributes/ Competencies:
Positive attitude; good health; good communication skills; dependability and trustworthiness; ability to understand and execute the supervisor’s instructions; no fear of heights; no serious physical disabilities; no back problems
Primary Fuctions :
Handling applicable equipment and tools in the execution of duties
Digging and backfilling trenches and abiding by set safety rules when digging trenches, including placing shoring where necessary or prescribed
Unblocking municipal and private sewer blockages with the use of the correct sewer tools Preparing safe working areas
Digging for connections and breaking concrete where construction work must be done
Filling and compacting trenches Loading and offloading material, equipment, etc for specific tasks
Mixing and placing concrete Handling building material
Cleaning and maintaining vehicles, tools and equipment
Cleaning properties and work areas after completing tasks
Assuming responsibilities of the team supervisor in absence of artisan
Enquiries : Desmond Phala (012 358 5686)
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