Financial Management Division
Chief Directorate: Finance Services
Directorate: Finance Support Services
Finance ETD Centre
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF L4) certificate with Finance/Accounting subjects. Added Advantage: Post Matric qualification in Finance/Accounting. A minimum of one year relevant experience. A valid RSA or Military driver's licence. Special requirements/Skills needed: Computer literate (MS Office software packages). Analytical and innovative thinking ability as well as problem solving ability. Good communication skills and good interpersonal skills. Strongly oriented towards team work, receptive toward work-related suggestion/ideas, decisive/persevering iro task finalisation. Ability to compile and draft basic reports and returns. Exposure to/knowledge of the operating and utilizing of the ETD processes in the DOD/Public service/Private sector. Ability to effectively and correctly interpret and apply policy and regulations.
DUTIES : Deliver general administrative duties in order to assist in the efficient and effective management of the prescribed education, training and development function of all personnel within the Financial Management Division (Fin Div). Maintain and administering an effective internal Registry Office of all documents, reports and other related documentation in the section. Receive, registering, distributing, copying and filing of documentation for the section. Assist in arranging and managing accommodation and transport for learners, obtaining and issuing of course material and keeping of attendance register of all learners. Assisting in typing, copying and distributing course reports, name list, schedules, letter, memos and other related correspondence. Capturing of course attendance data and course results on the MILQUAL program on the PERSOL system and doing enquiries on the system. Assisting With general administration duties of the centre which includes inventory, budgeting, procurement of stock etc required by the centre for students. Keep attendance record of all personnel in the section and submitting the monthly absenteeism return.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Wehl Tel No: (012) 674-4740
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box number 5 at Reception. Note: Please use reference number not post number.
NOTE : Financial Management Division is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the Division. Preference will be given to African males, African females, White males, India males, Coloured males, Coloured females and Persons with Disabilities.
Finance Management Division
Chief Directorate: Accounting
Directorate: Personnel Payments (S & T sub-section)
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF L4) certificate with Finance/Accounting subjects. Added Advantage: Post Matric qualification in Finance/Accounting. A minimum of one year relevant experience. A valid RSA or Military driver's licence. Special requirements/Skills needed: Sound reasoning, mathematical abilities. Computer literate (MS Office software package). Well-developed verbal and written communication skills. Very conscientious and motivated towards producing effective and correct work and aiming for zero defects environment. Ability to effectively function as part of a team, receptive to work related suggestions/ideas, decisive/persevering in terms of task finalization and able to effectively function under pressure. Knowledge of the calculation and processing S&T allowances, subsistence and travel allowance reconciliations, registration of file and documents, data capturing on financial systems.
DUTIES : Execution of the prescribed accounting processes related to payments of benefits due to DOD personnel, S&T and allowances to DOD personnel in service, subsistence and travel allowances both domestic and foreign. Executing of the constant collaboration and communication with supervisors, management of self-discipline, data capturing on DOD accounting systems, administration of DOD payments files and related documents. Assisting in the coordination and execution of administrative related tasks.
ENQUIRIES : Mr J.G. Lottering Tel No: (012) 392 2417
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X 137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box 5 at Reception. Note: Please use reference number not post number.
NOTE : Financial Management Division is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the Division. Preference will be given to African males, African females, White males, India males, Coloured males, Coloured females and Persons with Disabilities.
Financial Management Division
Directorate: Stores, Services and Related Payments (DSSRP)
Finance Accounting Service Centre
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : FASC Durban: Ref No: FMD/04/34/23/08A
FASO Mmabatho: Ref No: FMD/04/34/23/08B
FASC MOD: Ref No: FMD/04/34/23/08C
FASO Poytons: Ref No: FMD/04/34/23/08D
FASO Jan Kempdorp: Ref No: FMD/04/34/23/08E
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF L4) certificate with Finance/Accounting subjects. Added Advantage: Post Matric qualification in Finance/Accounting. A minimum of one year relevant experience. A valid RSA or Military driver's licence. Special requirements/Skills needed: Basic knowledge of financial and accounting processes. Computer literate in MS Office software packages (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Ability in understanding, interpreting and correctly applying financial policies and prescripts. Ability to effectively liaise and communicate with clients. Decisive and persevering in terms of task finalisation. Willing to be detached to Satellite Offices across geographical boundaries. Willing to work with cash (as cashier), in Rand and Foreign currency. Willing to assist with general administrative functions and archiving /filing/safekeeping of all accounting documentation. Basic knowledge of contract management and supply chain management process. Sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations as well as knowledge of Financial Management Systems or other financial systems.
DUTIES : Strictly apply policies, prescriptions and regulation. Performing of cashier duties by paying out of cash advances. Receipt of State monies into the paymaster General Account (PMG). Receive cash from client and verify or correctness in terms of the purpose of the payment. Issue an official receipt. Accurate allocation of Revenue. Timely preparation and capturing of deposits on FMS and securely dispatching of deposits to the bank. Safekeeping and issuing of Face Value Documents (FVD). Archiving of Accounting documents, Safekeeping of payment and other accounting documentation for audit purposes. Utilise the Financial Management System (FMS) to regularly record all accounting transactions and do enquiries, administering of claims on the central Advance System and capturing of all related accounting transactions on FMS. Confirmation of Telkom accounts and assisting with general administration and accounting functions at the FASC. Scrutinise, verify, register and couple medical and supplier invoices for payment.
ENQUIRIES : Ms D.D. Nchabeleng Tel No: (012) 392 2893/2892
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X 137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box 5 at Reception. Note: Please use reference number not post number.
NOTE : Financial Management Division is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the Division. Preference will be given to, KZN Province: African males, Indian male’s Indian females, Gauteng Province: African males, African females, Indian males, Indian females, Coloured males, North West Province: African males, Northern Cape Province: African males, White males, Coloured males and Persons with disabilities to all provinces.
Finance Management Division
Chief Directorate: Financial Services
Directorate: Financial Control Services
Loss Administration Section
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF L4) certificate with Finance/Accounting subjects. Added Advantage: Post Matric qualification in Finance/Accounting. A minimum of one year relevant experience. A minimum of one year relevant experience. A valid DOD/RSA vehicle driver’s license. Special requirements/Skills needed: Basic knowledge of the processes and procedure that are followed in the administration of losses in the Public Service/Private Sector would serve as a strong recommendation. Basic knowledge of Financial Policy and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Computer Literate (MS Office packages). Well-developed verbal and written communication skills with the ability to compile effective, basic reports and statistics. Ability to effectively function as part of a large team, to effectively communicate with clients from various Arms of Services, different divisions, bases and units. Able and willing to deliver dedicated and friendly client service, Persevering task finalisation with good interpersonal relationship and able and willing to operate in a shared work environment (office) with other officials of equal or more senior rank. Able and willing to initiate self-development by means of in-post training and attendance of formal courses. Team-worker, trustworthy, reliable and receptive to work related suggestions and ideas. Effective reasoning ability. Ability to correctly interpret and effectively apply financial policy and related prescripts. Ability to understand and correctly interpret loss reports and audit answer submitted by clients.
DUTIES : Assist the Finance Clerk Supervisor (FCS) and Senior State Accountant (SSA) in ensuring all administrative tasks is executed and finalises by the target dates. Maintaining the internal Registry and ensuring that all incoming and outgoing correspondence, documents and files are effectively registered, routed and filed. Checking and evaluating of loss reports, the rejection of invalid reports and referral thereof to the sections concerned. Correct allocation of files reference numbers and the opening and up-keeping of separate files for each loss report case as well as the updating of the Excel database. Manage an effective pending system and continuously report to FCS and SSA on the specific target dates. Regular compiling and submitting of all files and documentation in a neat, numerical and efficient manner.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M.L. Mabasa Tel No: (012) 392 2564
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box 5 at Reception. Note: Please use reference number not post number.
NOTE : Financial Management Division is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the Division. Preference will be given to African males, African females, White males, India males, Coloured males, Coloured females and Persons with Disabilities.
Chief Directorate: Accounting
Directorate: Personnel Payments
Finance Management Division
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 certificate (NQF L4). Added advantage: A minimum of one year relevant experience in the relevant field. In the possession of a valid RSA/Military driver's licence. Special requirements/Skills needed: Reasoning and problem solving ability. Computer literate (MS Office software package). Good verbal and written communication skills. Ability to effectively function as part of a team, receptive to work-related suggestion/ideas, decisive/persevering iro task finalisation and able to effectively function under 32 pressure. Disposition and aptitude towards correct effective and efficient Registry practices.
DUTIES : Assist in implementing and maintaining processes to manage and control incoming and outgoing correspondence as well as maintaining an effective filling system for correspondence, documentation and payments files in the applicable sub-section. Collecting/delivering documentation and payments files from/to section applicable. Assisting in ensuring the correct and efficient recording and storage of S&T related documentation. Render an effective filing and records management service for subsistence and travel section. Filling of files consisting of S&T claims. Distributing documents to the relevant checkers. Opening and closing of S&T files. Management of the files register (incoming and outgoing claims). Numbering of files after receiving them. Managing of the disapproval registry book. Attending to enquiries and sending clients to the relevant personnel. Assisting in the location of files that are misfiled. Filing, storage tracing and retrievals of documents and files. Handle of enquiries pertaining to S&T files. Handle of enquiries pertaining to S&T files. Making photocopies when requested. Sending and receiving faxes when requested to do so..
ENQUIRIES : Mr J.G. Lottering Tel No: (012) 392 2417
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box number 5 at Reception. Note: Please use reference number not post number.
NOTE : Financial Management Division is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the Division. Preference will be given to African males, African females, White males, India males, Coloured males, Coloured females and Persons with Disabilities.
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Department of Defence, Command and Management Information System. Eco
Glades 1, 70 Ribbon and grass street, Eco Park, Centurion.
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum Grade 12 (NQF L4) or equivalent. Special Requirements (Skills needed): Good interpersonal relations skills, proficiency in English, verbal and written, communication skills, problem solving, planning and organization skills. Computer skills relation to the use of MS Office applications.
DUTIES : General administration related tasks in the office environment and/or Office of the Director (if Applicable). Perform secretarial duties and to act as the nodal point for Office Administration in the Directorate and Formation which includes the following tasks: Handling incoming post, the distribution of registry files and management of the daily filing system, faxing of correspondence, planning and coordination the movement of personnel in the Directorate both locally and nationally (include visits abroad), diary coordination for the Director (where applicable). Handling incoming calls and taking messages, travel arrangements for personnel in the Directorate, update notice board in and out strength, compiling agendas and minutes and do the distribution to the members of the forum and do filing, typing of general correspondence and managing the day to day activities in the office environment and/or office of the Director (where applicable).
ENQUIRIES : W01 S.A. Mc Master Tel No: (012) 649 1458 or Ms K.S. Mopeli Tel No: (012) 649 1444
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Command and Management Information System Division, Private Bag X161, Pretoria, 0001 or you may hand deliver to Eco Glades 1, 70 Ribbon and Grass Street, Eco Park, Centurion, 044.
CLOSING DATE : 16 October 2023
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Department of Defence, Command and Management Information System Eco
Glades 1, 70 Ribbon and grass street, Eco Park, Centurion.
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum Grade 12 NQF L4) or equivalent. Special Requirements (Skills needed): Good interpersonal relations skills, proficiency in English, verbal and written, communication. DUTIES : Administrative duties related to receiving new DOD Archive collections, Executive administrative duties related to processing DOD archive collections, Executive administrative duties related to the preservation of DOD archive collections. Administrative duties related to the provision of access to DOD archives collections. Executive administrative duties related to the digitalisation of DOD archives collections. Digitise records and perform basic image enhancement techniques. Handling incoming post the distribution of registry files and management of the daily filing system. Correct transfer list and Compile archival indexes.
ENQUIRIES : W01 S.A. Mc Master Tel No: (012) 649 1458 or Ms K.S. Mopeli Tel No: (012) 649 1444
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Command and Management Information System Division, Private Bag X161, Pretoria, 0001 or you may hand deliver to Eco Glades 1, 70 Ribbon and Grass Street, Eco Park, Centurion, 044.
CLOSING DATE : 16 October 2023
CLOSING DATE : 13 October 2023 (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies will not be considered).
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from any Public Service Department office i.e effective 01 January 2021 or on the DPSA web site link: Should an application be received using incorrect application employment form Z83, it will be disqualified, which must be originally signed and dated by the applicant and which must be accompanied by a detailed CV only (with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview which should not be older than six months. Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in applications being disqualified. Applicants applying for more than one post must submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the documentation mentioned above) in respect of each post being applied for. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application it must be done in writing. Should an application be received where an applicant applies for more than one post on the same applications form, the application will only be considered for the first post indicated on the application and not for any of the other posts. Under no circumstances will photostat copies or faxed copies of application documents be accepted. The successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record, citizenship & financial/asset record checks and qualification and employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes. Applicants who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3 (three) months after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Due to the large volume of responses anticipated, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. For more information on the job description(s) please contact the person indicated in the post details. Successful candidates will be appointed on probation for the period of twelve (12) months in terms of the prescribed rules.
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