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SAPS Graduate Recruitment Scheme x17 Division Protection and Security Services


SAPS Graduate Recruitment Scheme x17 Division Protection and Security Services



The South African Police Service herby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the requirements for a twelve (12) month graduate’s internship programme at Division: Protection and Security Services. The Graduate recruitment scheme is part of the National Human Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.


Generic requirements:

*Be a South African citizen.

* Must be in possession of a National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification (NCVL4) National Certificate Vocational Qualification on NQF Level 4

* Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending.

* Applicants must be unemployed, never employed in field of the advertised post and never participated in an internship programme relevant to the field of the post.

Applicant must be residents of the province where the post is advertised Applicant are restricted to apply for 3 positions only and complete separate application form for each post reference number.

* All application should be addressed to the correct province or head office.

Integrated categories with minimum requirements:

Graduate Intern: Tertiary qualification (National diploma and higher) is required

Student Intern: Compulsory practical experience is required by the tertiary institution in order for the learner to finalise qualification (letter from the Institution not more than 2 years to this effect must be attached to application).

NB: Stipend in each category will be determined by the Divisional Commissioner Human Resource Development: South African Police Service




Post Administrative Student Intern – HRM (1 Post)

Section Human Resource Management

Location Pretoria Head Office (HRM): Ref Number PSS INT 01/2024

Additional Requirements:

* Be in possession of an N6 Certificate in Human Resource Management / Office Management / Public Administration / Management Assistant / Office Administration, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

*Assist with: Administrative tasks regarding Performance Management, Human Resource Planning, Job Descriptions, Employment Equity, and Labour Relations; Update leave files and SAPS 26; Register and monitor planned leave; Prepare and assist with Z8 register; File all documents on the relevant files; Type letters; Messenger duties; Monitor receipt of project documents and peruse them for correctness; coordination and consolidation of the section’s Annual Operational Plan; Monitor and coordinate the expiration of drivers licenses; Update electronic training database; Assist with Secretarial duties.



Post Administrative Student Financial Intern (2 Posts)

Section Financial Management and Administration

Location KwaZulu-Natal (Durban) Ref Number PSS INT 02/2024

Additional Requirements:

*Be in possession of an N6 Certificate in Financial Management / Business Management, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

*Assist with Processing of claims; Perusal of overtime registers; Handle office inventory tasks; Handle administrative tasks regarding Finance Management; Handle telephone enquiries.



Post Administrative Intern HRM (3 Posts)

Section Human Resource Management (HRM)

Location KwaZulu-Natal (Durban) (2 posts) Ref number PSS INT 03/2024

Gauteng HRM (Pretoria) (1 post) Ref Number PSS INT 04/2024

Additional Requirements:

*Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Human Resource Development / Public Administration and Management / Business Administration / Office Administration / Office Management and Technology, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least an NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

*Assist with: Administrative tasks regarding Performance Management, Human Resource Planning, Job Descriptions, Employment Equity, and Labour Relations; Update leave files and SAPS 26; Register and monitor planned leave; Prepare and assist with Z8 register; File all documents on the relevant files; Type letters; Messenger duties; Monitor receipt of project documents and peruse them for correctness; coordination and consolidation of the section’s Annual Operational Plan; Monitor and coordinate the expiration of drivers licenses; Update electronic training database; Secretarial duties.



Post Administrative Intern (1 Post)

Section Human Resource Development (HRD)

Location Pretoria Head Office (HRD) Ref Number PSS INT 05/2024

Additional Requirements:

*Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Human Resource Development / Public Administration / Business Administration / Administrative Management / Office Management and Technology, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level. Computer literacy will be an added advantage

Core Functions:

*Assist with administrative duties to executive the Training Provisioning Plan of the Division, Assist in compiling and presenting workshops for generic soft skills needs in the Division, Assist with the monitoring of ETD practices in the Human Resource Development section, General administration in HRD office



Post Administrative Financial Intern (2 Posts)

Section Provincial Support (Finance Management and Admin)

Location Western Cape (Cape Town) Ref Number PSS INT 06/2024

Additional Requirements:

*Be in possession of an applicable three-year National Diploma / Degree in B Com Accounting / Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting / B Com in Financial Management / Business Administration / Business Management/ Cost Management and Accounting / Public Finance Management and Administration, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post

Core Functions:

*Assist with Processing of claims; Perusal of overtime registers; handling office inventory tasks; assisting with administrative duties in relation to budget control functions. Handle administrative tasks regarding Finance Management; Handle telephone enquiries



Post Administrative Intern (7 Posts)

Section Provincial Support - Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Location Gauteng (Pretoria) Ref Number PSS INT 07/2024

Gauteng (Johannesburg) Ref Number PSS INT 08/2024

Mpumalanga (Nelspruit) Ref Number PSS INT 09/2024

KwaZulu-Natal (Durban) (2 posts) Ref number PSS INT 10/2024

Limpopo (Polokwane) Ref number PSS INT 11/2024

Pretoria Head Office (SCM) Ref Number PSS INT 12/2024

Additional Requirements:

*Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Supply Chain Management / Logistics / Transport Management / Fleet Management, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least an NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

*Assist with Procurement and Acquisition of goods and Services within Supply Chain Management; administer effective and efficient of all Movable Government Property; Administer effective coordination and maintenance of vehicle fleet management within the Component; Administer and control distribution and utilization of physical resources




Section Management Information and Strategic Planning (MISP)

Location Pretoria Head Office (MISP) Ref Number PSS INT 13/2024

Additional Requirements:

*Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Strategic Management / Project Management, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least an NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.

Core Functions:

*Assist with administering the strategic plan and reporting for the Division. Administer the risk management strategy for the Division. Administer the Service Delivery Improvement (SDIP) plan for the Division. Assist in administering Divisional projects and programmes.




 Only the official Application Form for the Graduate Recruitment Scheme (available on the SAPS website) will be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application.

The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the Application Form.

 An updated Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the application form.

 Uncertified copies of an applicant’s ID document, National Senior Certificate and all post school educational qualifications with statement of results obtained must also be submitted and attached to every application. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.

 Applications must be posted/hand delivered timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or considered. The closing date for all applications is 2024-05-17.

 All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening.

 All short-listed candidates will undergo a personal interview.

 Short-listed applicants may be subjected to vetting.

 Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 4 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

 The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a post after advertisement thereof.

 Recommended candidates will be expected to sign a 12 month contract.

 Graduate scheme program in the South African Police service may not be regarded as a guarantee for automatic absorption for permanent appointment.



Col HJ Gerber Tel no (012) 400 5669

Capt M Erasmus Tel no (012) 400 6457

AC A Mlangeni, Tel no (012) 400 6331



Applications for the various posts in the respective provinces must be submitted to the following addresses:-


Posts: PSS INT 04/2024 & PSS INT 07/2024 & PSS INT 08/2024

Post Delivery: The Provincial Head, Protection and Security Services, Private Bag X650, PRETORIA, 0001

Hand Delivery: Land Affairs Building, C/o Bosman and Jacob Mare Street, Jeff Masemola Street, PRETORIA

Col Nyalungu @ 012 353 6748 / Capt van Aswegen @ 012 353 6779




Posts: PSS INT 02/2024 & PSS INT 03/2024 & PSS INT 10/2024

Post Delivery: The Provincial Head, Protection and Security Services, Private Bag X54302, DURBAN. 4001

Hand Delivery: 143 Maritime House 13th Floor, DURBAN

Lt Col Donnelley @ 031 319 2042/ W/O Reddy @ 031 319 2037




Posts: PSS INT 11/2024

Post Delivery: The Provincial Head, Protection and Security Services, Private Bag X9560, POLOKWANE, 0700

Hand Delivery: 28 C/o Market and Rabie Street, PSS Building, POLOKWANE

Col Mabotja @ 015 284 8545/ Lt Col Mohale @ 015 284 8547/ Capt Purcocks @ 015 284 5866



Posts: PSS INT 06/2024

Post Delivery: The Provincial Head, Protection and Security Services, Private Bag X1, STALPLEIN, 8015

Hand Delivery: 21 Plein Street, Garmour House 5th Floor, CAPE TOWN

Col Brand @ 021 467 6518/ Lt Col Marthinus @ 021 467 6535/ Capt de Wet @ 021 467 6413




Posts: PSS INT 09/2024

Post Delivery: The Provincial Head, Protection and Security Services, Private Bag X11299, NELSPRUIT, 1200

Hand Delivery: 10 Paul Kruger Street, Bester Brown Building, 2nd Floor No 3, NELSPRUIT

Col Liebenberg @ 013 756 0252/ Lt Col Maphanga @ 013 756 0261/ SPO Hadebe @ 013 756 0258


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