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SCM Officer x7 posts at EC Dept of Education for skilled Fin Mngmnt/ SCM/ Purchasing/ Logistics/ Public Admin/ Finance/ Accounting/ Economics/ Internal Audit graduates



Chief Directorate: Cluster A Directorate: ORTC Education District

SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : OR Tambo Coastal

REQUIREMENTS : Three-year National Diploma (NQF 6) or undergraduate bachelor’s degree (NQF 7) in Financial Management/ Supply Chain Management/ Purchasing/ Logistics/ Public Administration/ Finance/ Accounting/ Economics/ Internal Audit. Three (3) years’ functional experience in Supply Chain Management at a public entity or government institution A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence. Knowledge of Education Sector will be added advantage.

DUTIES : Coordinate and advise on the procurement of goods and services. Coordinate and advise on the process of drafting specifications/terms of references and special conditions of contract. Coordinate and execute the quotation and bidding processes, including advertising on open market; receive, evaluate and adjudicate the responses received. Assist in the compilation of annual procurement plan and reporting thereof on a quarterly basis. Ensure prevention of fraud and abuse of the SCM system interventions. Provide support in attending to audit queries within timeframe of Internal and External Audit. Coordinate, review and execute the bidding process, including, but not limited to providing secretarial services to the Bid Committees, compiling bid documents, publishing tender invitations and receiving and opening bid documents. Monitor, analyse and determine actions to ensure compliance with contract management. Report on supply chain management information to internal and external stakeholders. Ensure compliance with relevant SCM legislation. Assist in reviewing supply chain management processes, policies and performance and make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain unit.

ENQUIRIES : Dr Peyana Tel No: 039 253 6620 Recruitment


Chief Directorate: Supply Chain Management Directorate: Logistics And Disposal Management

SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Zwelitsha

REQUIREMENTS : Three-year National Diploma (NQF 6) or undergraduate bachelor’s degree (NQF 7) in Financial Management/ Supply Chain Management/ Purchasing/ Logistics/ Public Administration/ Finance/ Accounting/ Economics/ Internal Audit. Three (3) years’ functional experience in Supply Chain Management at a public entity or government institution. A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence. Knowledge of Education Sector will be added advantage.

DUTIES : Receive procurement documentation from Internal Control Unit and verify accuracy. Capture and authorize quotations and requisitions including verification of Goods Received Vouchers (GRV). Authorise purchase orders in the system. Analyse and generate LOGIS reports as and when required. Assist with the clearance of commitment and provide commitment analysis reports as and when required. Check submissions attained documentation according to the prescripts. Facilitate completion of log forms. Implement regulation policies and prescripts. Generate submission and procurement memos. Check alignment of requisitions with Logis regulations. Receive submissions from end-users. Check validity of the accompanying documents. View, capture and authorize requisitions on the system. Check relevant codes and procurement numbers. Facilitate procurement on the system. Receive and capture data of approved procurement submissions. Update and correct reflection of information on the system. Print reports and check status of suppliers. Facilitate registration of suppliers on the database (Central and Logis). Check required information on the quotations. When required register suppliers with active numbers on both systems. Ensure compliance with relevant SCM legislation. Assist in reviewing supply chain management processes, policies and performance and make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain unit. Supervise junior or production clerks and ensure compliance measures are adhered to.

ENQUIRIES : Ms L Lupondwana Tel No: 040 608 4248 E-Recruitment


Chief Directorate: Supply Chain Management Directorate: Contract Management Services

SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07) CETRE : Zwelitsha

REQUIREMENTS : Three-year National Diploma (NQF 6) or undergraduate bachelor’s degree (NQF 7) in Financial Management/ Supply Chain Management/ Purchasing/ Logistics/ Public Administration/ Finance/ Accounting/ Economics/ Internal Audit. Three (3) years’ functional experience in Supply Chain Management at a public entity or government institution. A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence. Knowledge of Education Sector will be added advantage

DUTIES : Coordinate the development of Service Level Agreements and ensure that all contracts are duly signed by the delegated authorities. Monitor and evaluate contract performance, supplier performance and financial performance of contracts in line with the Contract Agreements or Service Level Agreements. Update, maintain and monitor the Contract Register of the Department. Facilitate and Coordinate Contract Project Steering Committee. Provide secretariate functions for the Contract Project Steering Committees and ensure proper record keeping. Compile contract performance reports and submit to management and relevant stakeholders. Develop and implement systems to monitor compliance and control in contract management, coordinate improved service delivery. Coordinate, consolidate and compile performance and financial reports for all procurement contracts in the Department. Develop and ensure proper record keeping systems, retention and retrieval of records are implemented in line with departmental policies. Supervise junior stuff within the Contracts Management Unit.

ENQUIRIES : Ms L Lupondwana Tel No: 040 608 4248 E-Recruitment

APPLICANTS : Applications must be submitted ONLY via the e-Recruitment System, available at: and/or at: (under Careers). The Provincial e-Recruitment System is available 24/7 and Closes at 23: 59 on the Closing Date. To report technical glitches, or for assistance regarding any system related issues, send an email with your ID Number, your profile email address, and the details of your issue to (NB: NOT CVs). Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-Thursday and 08:00-16:00 on Fridays). Should you submit your applications/CVs to and not as specified, your application will be regarded as lost and will not be considered.

CLOSING DATE : 23 December 2024. No Late/ No Faxed/ No e-Mailed/ No Posted/ No Handdelivered applications will be accepted.

NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly complete Z83 form (effective from 01 January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, e-Recruitment System automatically generates Z83 immediately you apply. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB: Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to sign on interview day. Under My Job Applications, the system Z83 does not reflect work experience, and qualifications, however, every detail of your information does reflect to the Recruitment team. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR on or before the interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be required to 136 submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of twelve 12/24 months. Misrepresentation in the application documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the event the candidate has already been appointed. It is the department’s objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable representation across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and people living with disability will be highly considered to adhere to the EE targets of the department. The Department reserves the right to amend/ review/ withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). Enquiries must be directed to the specified contact person. e-Recruitment Enquiries:

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