Ref: 23/327
The Department of Computer Science at Polokwane Campus requires a service of Part-Time Lecturers for the second semester of 2023.
Key performance areas/Core functions:
• Lecturing duties: Lecturing, invigilating, Marking of Scripts, Processing of Marks.
• Preparing all lecturer materials, assessments, and related documents.
• Presenting lecturers and assessing students in the department.
• Performing administration of marks and other related administrative duties under Subject head and HOD supervision.
Part-time lecturers are needed for Semester 2 of 2023 for the following subjects, weekdays (08:00 – 16:00)
DCTF15D Discrete Structures
CFAF05D Computing Fundamentals A
WAG306D Wil in Accounting III
WAG117V Wil in Accounting IV (Simulation)
TCR117V Theoretical Computer Science
AOP216D Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
DCTF15D Discrete Structures
ORS216D Operating Systems
TPG201T Technical Programming II
ISY34BT Information Systems IIIB
CPL115D/CPl105X/CPI115D/CPL105X Computer Literacy
BIF20BT/BIY115D/WFC115D/BIB215D/WIB216D Business Information Systems (All Subjects)
Minimum requirements:
1. Academic qualifications:
· BTech/Adv/PGdip/Honors/ Masters or relating to any of the above fields or an equivalent qualification.
2. Experience:
· A minimum of one year teaching experience at Tertiary level.
· Proficiency in Ms Office and other computer programs.
· Full proficiency in English is a prerequisite.
· Proven ability in using teaching technology.
3. Registration with professional body (if applicable):
· N/A
· NB: Indicate the subject you are applying for.
· Successful applicants only receive a part-time salary according to TUT policy.
Send your CV to:
Enquiries: Dr M Moeti: 012 382 0960
Closing Date: 01 June 2023
If we have not responded within a month of the closing date, you should regard your application as unsuccessful. Correspondence will be entered into only with short-listed candidates. The University reserves the right not to make an appointment. Candidates will be required to undergo psychometric tests and any other simulation interventions.
Candidates are also required to complete the TUT application form for employment. The application form is available on the University’s website, share point and the University’s intranet.